Walter Moore

The Trailer looked promising. I hope the movie delivers. I have to admit I was doubting whether the director was the best possible choice...

So what you're saying is... Its the new version of this:

STI because blue/gold.

Someone must have already said Porsche Pepper (Cayenne), but I'll say it anyway.

There are no words to describe how badass that is.

My dad had an S-Class Mercedes with a manual transmission back in the 80's. It was a custom AMG 'show car' imported from Germany back when you could do such things. 540SE AMG wide body conversion, one of only a handful of four door wide bodies ever to exist...

D2 series Audi S8.

My car, an X-type, so unusual Carmax had it listed with an Auto when I bought it.

"Patriots win the game"

Ironically, sure.

Does it have a fixed gear option?

Not for long if he keeps filling his A4 with low-octane fuel.

In NYC usually it's eather rent or a car, not both.

He's just driving it ironically.