Moonlight Falls Like Rain

yup, the fact that Elder is whining about “election fraudalready means his internal polling is horrendous.

Elder is also already floating the “election fraud” narrative out there, which means his internal polling must be pretty bad for him.

TomatoFace’s SOP is usually too much for any copycat to maintain for very long. I warned people that Splinter going away was not going to slow TomatoFace down for a second, he’s too invested.

That’s one of TomatoFace’s alts. You are wasting your time trying to hold discourse.

Dark-skinned Barbary pirates spent 300 years raiding the British isles for slaves to be sold in markets in North Africa and the Ottoman empire. That shit continued until the Barbary states were crushed by the United States Marine Corps in the Barbary Wars. That’s why “to the shores of Tripoli” is in the Marine

NOPE! this is the left, fucking the system with its own dildo. We finally found it!

This is very wrong. You should visit reddit sometimes and look at the derpy animal videos. An entire subreddit full of them. I’m a 40something asian woman holding GME since the fall. I like the stock.

The feeling of the Capitol riots is definitely there. And it maybe some of the same guys. Or they just saved their money and bought GME for the last year instead of flying to DC on Jan 6th.

But regardless of politics, there is a lot of fuck the man sentiment while trying to get themselves a downpayment on a house.

Welcome to Williams Gibson’s and Phillip K. Dick’s future.

This is the important part. Citations Needed just did a podcast on this. Forgiveness needs to come from the injured party. Michelle Obama conferring grace on GWB is meaningless when there are a million dead whose people feel otherwise.

It’s basically just a silica gel packet that gets attached to any existing take out container that will end up in a landfill.

You’re stuck with him as President.

“I haven’t always been right. I know we haven’t always gotten things right, but I’ve always tried.”

Splinter, anyone?

 Shut up, tomato. 

Wouldn’t it be funny if the Obama family became the new presidential legacy of this country?
Best wishes to Biden and Kamala, but we never get tired of hearing from Barack.

How excellently stated.

This interview is a nice present from the Root.

Can Ms. Obama just be President of Earth forever, please?