Moonlight Falls Like Rain

All you well-behaved affluent progressives who condemn this action, what was the alternative? Polite advocacy has failed. Climate change is in danger of falling completely out of mainstream discourse. The Ukrainians and the transgendereds have swallowed up all the bandwidth in progressive politics. Nobody cares

Michelle clears the 2024 field on the day she announces she’s running for President. Everyone drops out and endorses her. Kamala I think would actually be relieved to escape the embarrassment of running and getting her ass kicked.

As I predicted, the outcome of this election wasn’t in doubt. Newsom had this sewn up weeks ago. And yet I got called a troll for saying there was no need for anyone to risk a COVID infection to vote. But the facts confirm I was correct all along.

You might not be afraid of germs but lots of people are and we should respect their feelings.  Those are the values I was raised with.

Normal. New Zealanders are always uncomfortable discussing non-Tolkien topics.  They talk about nothing but Lord of the Rings if you let them.

There is no germ-free way to vote.  Mail has germs.  Newsom is going to win anyway.

Mailboxes have a lot of germs on them and they’re even more dangerous if you have weirdos in your neighborhood. I avoid them.

But mail can be dangerous because you have to leave the house and put an envelope in a mailbox that’s been touched and breathed on by God knows who. And what if you don’t have stamps? You have to go to the post office and buy them.

I know there’s a desire to hype this election like it’s close, but it isn’t. Newsom holds a commanding lead. I just don’t feel comfortable asking California voters who are scared of COVID to risk their health to vote in an election which isn’t close.

This story smells of bullshit.

“Still hits all of those TF cues when you study the posts and word use”

Patrisse Cullors has bought four houses in the past year, but it’s nobody’s business how she spends her hard-earned money. I think she’s smart to invest in real estate.

I’m tired of all this negativity. An important black person in Los Angeles just achieved a great milestone in addressing wealth inequality. Let’s get a Root story on THAT. I think we could all use some more positivity around here.

Kamala is nothing but a Michelle wannabe. A fake.

I know it’s become uncool to declare agreement with President Obama but I still believe President Obama was right to express disapproval of Colin Kaepernick for dishonoring the troops in 2016:

Medicare For All is the purest expression of white supremacy. It’s nothing but a plot by white progressives to disempower black people by negating the top accomplishment of the first black President — Obamacare. These racist ass Bernie bros think they can make Barack look like a failed President by turning the public

Isn’t it weird that all this information is only coming out now? I think it’s because Democrats are embarrassed they made a hero out of Cuomo during the pandemic. Now they’re cooking up an excuse to get rid of Cuomo so they don’t have to reckon with the political fallout of all the old folks that Cuomo got killed

I don’t understand the outrage here. Why would you expect Joe Biden to implement the Bernie Sanders agenda? Joe was chosen specifically NOT to do that. Black folks in particular wanted nothing to do with Bernie’s ideas, which is why Bernie isn’t President today.

Michelle is brilliant and amazing and I’ll always watch all of her Netflix projects but I don’t want her to get distracted by them. She needs to start prepping her 2024 presidential campaign no later than this summer. You know Kamala is already gearing up for 2024 so Michelle better be ready to hit the ground running

Tom Cotton’s bullshit is so obvious. The current plan for the Capitol’s security force is to draw down to 5,000 National Guard troops and then withdraw altogether in mid-March. Cotton knows if we can get the troop withdrawal postponed just once, we can very likely get additional postponements. The longer the troops