Moonlight Falls Like Rain

You hit the nail on the head. The internet is becoming a vast tedious echo chamber and dissent is being stifled. Unofficial censorship is already here and I feel official censorship is maybe two years away, tops. Outlets like Splinter won’t even be permitted to exist. Seriously like why....I truly cannot understand. Like I understood that person who stood up forgetting they weren’t wearing pants, I understood that person eating chicken wings with too much enthusiasm because they thought they video and sound was muted, I understood that person that yelled and call

I actually find his vagueness/apolitical-ness/false equivalency of both sides rhetoric more upsetting than of he just supported Trump. He represents a lot of what my fear is, is that people are not terrible but apathetic. That the suffering of others does not bring them joy but a complete lack of any feeling. The

Good shit.

Those plexiglass dividers are hardly what I would call a concession. They are too small. Will there be an HVAC system on while there are people in the room? YES. The air will flow and disperse A R O U N D those dividers. And no protection for the moderator?

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Lol she’s better than you.

Both Michelle and Barack Obama have a grace and dignity that is to be admired, respected and hopefully emulated.

Any picture of Michelle shows a confident woman, always authentic, brilliant and approachable.  I have never seen another First Lady who has that rare combination.

This sucks and all, but do his deductions and credits fall outside of the tax code? If not, the story isn't how little Trump pays but rather how F'd up our tax code is.

Look for something that is almost agreeable with a small nugget of trollshit in it. TomatoFace’s style is he first posts something that would easily get starred, like how you hide a dog’s medication in a nugget of beef, but with a ‘libs be crazy’ dash in it. As the discussion goes, more trollshit will become

Thank god someone said it. I guess with Splinter gone and Deadspin’s comments off foreever, ofc he was going to come here.

“One tells people to vote. Not necessarily any candidate. Just to vote.”

Shut up, tomato.

We all know the Founding Fathers made a few mistakes but my fellow Democrats have gone crazy on the subject, pulling down statues of George Washington and what not. Now the insanity has progressed to making heroes out of snotty British duchesses. Where does it end? Am I supposed to salute the Queen’s corgi? No. I’m

I’m not a fan of President Trump, but neither am I a fan of this arrogant Duchess.

Quality trolling. You’re very good at what you do.

It’s a troll known around here as TomatoFace. He’s been around for years. The “We Democrats" line gives it away.

lmao dude what 

Well, it really does look like Joe murdered her and used his get out of jail free card that all congressmen get. Still, the fact that Trump is so mad about it makes me want Joe to get away with it and face no consequences.