Moonlight Falls Like Rain

“Inventing The New Normalcy” will make a great campaign slogan for the 2022 midterms. Normalcy won in 2020. Voters wanted it. We just need to update it to keep it current.

There’s something very Trumpian about the Gamescape phenomenon. It feels like a continuation of the Capitol riots — another angry mob of white males lashing out in mindless rage. Maybe it’s the same mob. Reddit has always been a domain of surly white males frozen in a state of arrested adolescence, so perhaps we

I agree with you that a majority of Black people chose Biden but I would disagree that it is a sign of forgiveness or that it settles this topic. This was done out of practicality.

You as a white male do not get to decide what is consensus among black people.

You have raised some more interesting points here, but it’s not enough to change my mind. I can conceive of no argument compelling enough to convince me that I am entitled as a white male to disregard the judgment of black people. Black people chose Joe Biden. Therefore I consider the matter settled.

You raise some interesting points, I’ll give you that, but as a white male I feel I’m not entitled to question the judgment of black people, who overwhelmingly selected Joe out of a diverse field of 2 dozen candidates.  Bernie Sanders voters are the white males who hold black people’s judgment in contempt, so if you

I disagree. It’s not enough just to apologize. You must obtain forgiveness from the people you’ve wronged, otherwise your apology lacks moral authority. Joe has been forgiven by black folks, so Joe has obtained true moral authority to ask everyone to move on and let sleeping dogs lie. That’s what I intend to do.

White male Democrat here. Joe was overwhelmingly preferred by black voters, so it’s clear that black people have forgiven him for the Crime Bill. Joe has apologized and black people have accepted his apology, so I feel that settles the matter.

$600 is not a lot of money, but you have to remember you also got that Robert E. Lee statue removed from the Capitol yesterday. That has a value you can’t measure in money. But if I put a ballpark figure on it, I’d say it’s worth $450. So that plus the $600 is really not so bad.

Spoken like a true Tomato.

Yeah sure. Your memory is clear enough to recall reading a Tomato post under the header of a staffer’s regular account and being surprised that it wasn’t Hamilton Nolan, but beyond that your memory goes completely blank. Sounds like a fishing story to me. You never knew who Tomato was, unless maybe you’re Tomato.

Well that was helpful. . . . . NOT! Maybe you’re TomatoFace. Telling a person to read every comment section of every Splinter article from a two month span is the sort of trollish suggestion I’d expect from Tomato.

WTF? You saw TomatoFace’s true identity and you forgot it? How could you forget that? Can you remember it or look it up somehow?

The Russian troll army is still out there, but why doesn’t anybody talk about it anymore? Russian trolls were a BIG DEAL for a few years, but now it’s like there’s a Russian conspiracy to downplay the issue. We go on these blogs like The Root and blame stupid shit like “Defund The Police” for Democratic defeats in

I’m thrilled to watch all these eminently qualified African-American women climbing the career ladder at MSNBC, but I worry that MSNBC will try to stack the deck in Kamala’s favor for the 2024 Democratic presidential race, which let’s face it, is about to start in a few months.  Where does Rashida Jones stand? Is

No, it’s sexist to deny a wife her agency. Michelle is an independent woman and she made her choice and that’s why we have to live with a Biden presidency instead of a Michelle presidency. We’re all paying the price for Michelle’s bad judgment.

This article is great. Joe Biden is about to become President and he’s awesome and shit but truth be told he’s a little bit boring. That’s why it’s smart to keep talking about the Obama family for the next four years. The Obamas are simply more interesting than Joe Biden. We want Democrats to be interesting, and Joe

Michelle would never appoint a scumbag like Rahm Emanuel. Why didn’t she run for President in 2020? This was her year. She would have run unopposed for the Democratic nomination and crushed Trump and then we wouldn’t be having these annoying ass conversations about Rahm Fucking Emanuel joining the cabinet. I love Miche

I love Michelle but she would be doing America a grave disservice if she declines to run in 2024. She already did that when she sat out 2020. The presidency was hers for the asking, but she made us settle for Joe Biden.

Michelle 2024.  There is no substitute.