Moonlight Falls Like Rain


Did you watch the Democratic National Convention? The theme was one of outreach and reconciliation with Bush Republicans. It wasn’t just a smart strategy, it was the right strategy. Why would we undermine it now? Seems foolish. If Kamala were here, I bet she’d tell you that herself.

Thank you for not calling me Tomato.

Is it too late to ask Joe Biden to speak? There’s no politician in America who knows more about earning the black vote than Joe.

What is to be gained from mean-spirited gloating over this event? Do you want a backlash? Because that’s how you get a backlash.

Cgo, you must’ve been banned at Jezebel because your comments are never visible. Consequently your TomatoFace alerts at Jez are going unseen. Readers depend on them. Could you make a fresh account for Jez?

This article is from October 2019? Why is everybody wearing masks? I thought COVID-19 was unknown until December.

especially now that it’s again fashionable to claim that healthcare is not a right

Of course AOC has to dress for success now, but let’s be fair $260 for hairstyling is a daunting expense for folks in flyover country.

As do I. Perhaps someday a wealthy free-thinking entrepreneur will read this conversation and be inspired to resurrect Splinter. We can only hope.

Jezebel has even less ideological diversity than DailyKos, which is saying something. Of course I was quickly banned because I refused to renounce my moderate pragmatic liberalism.

When did Biden get so orange?

Still relitigating the Democratic primaries, I see. Allow me to remind you that Joe Biden beat Bernie Sanders on a moderate platform of making whatever compromises are necessary to beat Donald Trump. Voters had the option to vote for transformative progressive policy, and they decided against it. Sorry!

Eh. You can get the full-res (6144 x 3950) image direct from Flickr. Flickr leaves the source URLs of images exposed in the HTML.

Splinter’s demise has left a gaping void. It was the only Kinja vertical where political moderates could speak their minds in the comment sections without fear of censorship by spiteful mods. The other verticals are merely leftist echo chambers.

Trump is already painting us Democrats as enemies of law & order, just as I warned last week.  Unsurprisingly, the Jezebel readership scoffed and the thread was deleted by mods.

Should conservatives be embarrassed by this story, or us liberals?

Let’s be honest — our real beef with this woman is her employment by a conservative newspaper.

I think you’re off the mark if you believe it’s only societal norms that bond the Bush and Obama families. There is sincere affection there that can’t be faked. Democratic voters can sense that authenticity, which has gone a long way to rehabilitating the Bushes.

I’m with Nancy on this one.