Moonlight Falls Like Rain

If we compromise our principles so easily, we never had them to begin with.

Except these protestors were by all accounts peaceful until the police suddenly went after them.

We Democrats must tread carefully. Sheltering 70 rioters could be interpreted as aiding and abetting public disorder. We have an election to win in November. We can’t afford to be perceived as enemies of law and order. If that means our liberal principles must be temporarily compromised, we must find the courage to

The facts are clear. We liberals must admit that President Obama was unprepared for a pandemic. As painful as it is, fairness requires us to refrain from criticizing President Trump for shortages of masks and other protective equipment. It’s the right thing to do.

Crystal Jewell is a bot? How can you tell?

President Obama would never boo a fellow Democrat. That’s all you need to know to decide whether the booing was inappropriate. It was.

That’s not necessarily true. Black turnout was manipulated in 2016 by outside actors, as my man Cory Booker pointed out. If black turnout declines in 2020, you can be sure the Russians were involved.

We all love President Obama, but let’s admit that he erred grievously when he appointed Debbie Wasserman Schultz to run the DNC for the 2016 election. It’s true that Debbie tailored the Democratic debate schedule to stifle insurgent candidacies, but in hindsight that was insufficient to stop Bernie Sanders from