MoonCat82 is a nomnivore

Caitlyn Jenner can go fuck herself.

Scary how money, looks and fame are no protection against domestic violence. I have friends who stood up for their mom to their abusive dads and yeah, they were about Maddox’s age when it started. And yes, it typically did not end with dad going “oh I see your point, thanks.” Dammit Brad be better than this.

I’m guessing the unconditional love.

Eh, you could just look away. Why you looking in someone else’s labia zone during happy baby?

You have to suspend logic when Hillary Clinton is mocked for her husband cheating on her, yet Donald Trump is lauded as some honest and real guy and anybody who says otherwise will be met with violence and threats to life.

And his rival is slandered for being cheated on. None of this shit makes logical sense.

Marla Maples is a classic example of a woman who got far more shit for her involvement in an affair than the man who was actually married, with three children. She is forever brandished as some slut, while her partner in crime is running for President.

We wanted juicy gossip not allegations of child abuse :(.

well, that escalated quickly

[With the caveat that I don’t think BP is any great catch either], what’s so great about Angelina Jolie? Born to rich, beautiful people, “suffered” through angsty teen years as a *yawn* model, then went on to a “successful” movie career by wining a couple awards for essentially playing herself in two movies, then

I knew it would happen eventually, too, and I’m surprised it lasted this long. Their smugness about the relationship was grating.

It’s not surprising that Jolie is now media manipulating the shit out of their break-up. She’s always been a bit vicious in my opinion. Pitt is about to find out he married the ultimate PR machine and he totally deserves it given how they both PR’d the shit out of their initial coupling. The minute he was photographed

I hadn’t realized he’d started that. Doubly shitty of him then.

You’re so right. I never thought about that. Now I’m angry about that spread all over again. Whatever sympathy I might have had for their divorce is now gone. Ugh.

Yeah, it’s very “He’s mine now, bitch” of her. If I were Angie, I would have NEVER done that.

Pitt is the one who fed that narrative throughout their marriage. Whatever Aniston’s private feelings about motherhood, you don’t send a media lynch mob after your own wife and use the public to pressure her into motherhood. It always felt so weirdly sexist, like he should own her womb and how dare she not turn that

I have always HATED that W Magazine spread. They’re posing with a fake family promoting a movie where their characters don’t even have a family. The whole purpose of it was to rub it in Aniston’s face and to launch their family brand. To say he was missing a sensitivity chip is putting it mildly.

Heh, in retrospect, if you ask my parents, they did. Two stubborn, argumentative people with money management problems should not get together.

She won. She had Brad when he was hottest, has a younger new husband, still looks great, and isn’t surrounded by 3978012794 screaming children. SHE. WON.

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.