MoonCat82 is a nomnivore

I think that as women we're expected to be emotionally dependent and nurturing. We're supposed to be "above" judging men's bodies. If we don't enthusiastically accept tiny dicks, we're being bad women.

I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that

Now every time someone mentions gargantuan balls, I immediately think of Aladdin. Thanks for nothing, Jezebel.

What? How would that even work?!?!

All things considered, it just doesn't seem that weird.

as he commented how my pediatrician must be appalled that I am exposing my daughter to so many germs in court.

Most clothing nowadays is too cheaply made to be worth mending. Rip a hole in a $20 pair of jeans and you can just buy another for only slightly more than your time is worth in fixing it.

Aside from that, the best he can say is that he never cheated on Carrie. He cheated on his wife.

Aidan was too good for her. And I really wish they hadn't brought him back for the second movie.

Aidan sucked

Yes Mr. Big, because "never cheated" is the sole litmus test of good relationship behavior.

Yeah I guess I'm with Megyn Kelly on this one. As completely out of touch as Gwynyth is, why split hairs? Her hearts in the right place. I mean if it was a government funded research team it'd be six elderly men making statements about women's pay.

They're afraid of women for sure but deeper down lies a fear of losing their privilege.

A lot of things.

sunlight, women, cardio...

I dont want to sound all tinfoiled hat.

Considering how many times he mentioned feminism in his tweets, yeah. I'm saying he went batshit like that because she "has a vagina," as you so classily put it.

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary