MoonCat82 is a nomnivore

I concede that a lot of people voted for Scott Walker, but you can't deny that having that level of financial backing isn't a huge leg up. Plus, there were all those accusations of voter fraud.

"THIS is why us rubes don't mind our flyover states as much as you'd imagine..."

Maybe. There are an awful lot of white women, though, that want to look like 'the good ones' in the hetero white male's eyes. For reference, please see any highly religious white women or any woman that works for Fox News.

they've got a better chance there than with women. i have known soooo many racist, reactionary gay men that it makes me a little bit sick to think about it. i look at grindr and here's this parade of guys tripping over themselves to tell you how 'masculine' they are, and it's obvious that their only real interest in

I don't think she handled it well at all, but I interpreted it as Korina saying that she didn't think she could be impartial and wouldn't give Char the best help she could give. I'd rather she admit that and leave than stick around and end up unconsciously sabotaging Char's work.

My experience with my second was exactly the same. She was breech, my first labour had been precipitous and that freaked me out. I didn't want to be birthing a breech baby at home alone with my 2 year old. So I chose the c-section. The anticipation was wonderful - like all the Christmas Eve's in existence rolled up

I gave my mom a lefse grill and wooden flipper for her birthday. She fedex's me lefse every holiday so it was a bit self serving. Gotta keep those babies coming.

You will be a lefse goddess!

I'm a terrible, terrible kitchen snob, but after 6 moves in as many years, and increasingly tiny kitchens, nothing in my kitchen has only one purpose except for the oven thermometer and the sink plug, and I still drain my scrubbies on the latter. That said, best gadget ever is a mandolin paired with a cut glove. The

So quick, so convenient, so fucking dangerous.

My quesadilla maker. It's like a sandwich press or a waffle iron or something, but it just makes quesadillas. And it burns little pictures onto them, like a sun and mariachis and a cactus and stuff. It's wonderful. I use it far too often.

A $1 pan scraper. I hate steel wool, and scrubbies don't always get into corners.

I want a waffle iron sooooo badly.

Our was $750. We're married now for 23 years.

I think your last sentence really sums it up. Money is a big stresser in life, and even moreso in relationships (where you have someone else's money to stress you out, alongside your own). If you've ended up in an overspending relationship, yeah, it's not surprising that divorce happens. Starting a marriage in massive

I don't have kids, but I often wonder what I would do if my son was responsible for shit like this. I would die inside, I'm pretty sure, at least.

As we know, all bunnies are evil death monsters from Planet Murder.

She attended, but did not graduate from Loyola Marymount.