MoonCat82 is a nomnivore

I don’t know what gossip rag has this feature but whoever came up with it is a genious and deserves a Nobel Prize in journalism.

That’ll do Cassiebear. That’ll do.

I starred, unstarred, and then starred this again. I love this comment and I will do my best to stay awake until I can get on bus to go home.

Reading stuff like this in the morning can sometimes put me in a cranky mood if I don’t watch my attitude. I am constantly exhausted due to young children and lack of sleep. I would give up my glorious eyebrows to be a Do Nothing Bitch for a while. Fuck being productive, getting out of bed, and other shit.

No, the plastic helps the ear from getting all stretchy and makes the earring hold nicely! I even buy those big plastic backings in bulk on ebay because I wear such big earrings.

Please stop saying Jew-Fro. Can you say ‘Leefa’ instead?

nm, this is before my coffee and I was legit confused. THANKS BOBBY.

damn, me too. was legit confused

....what? Is this real?

How very nice for you!!

lol, you seen dental bills before? I have insurance which covers 75% and I’m still paying $350 from my last visit.

Yeah, probably just you. :p

Not that it was precisely smooth sailing for the family. Brown told the BBC that her mother received some hate mail, including—from here in America—a package containing “a broken test-tube, fake blood and a pretend foetus inside,” and “It came with a threat that the people who sent it were coming to see them.”

I regularly nom nom nom on my kiddos.

WTAF. A wooden spoon that costs more than $4?? You can get these at the dollar store, Target, Krogers, etc. I don’t understand.

damn, those don’t work?

I want to snuggle this silly baby.

My office is 55-60 degrees. This is dumb. I’m in Wisconsin — I just spent the rest of the year being cold and now my summer is cold too. :(

Jesus fuck not acid

I completely thought for a moment this was directed at me and was confused.