Holy Krap, kalm down and unclench your everything, NPR listeners. This is hardly a serious show.
Holy Krap, kalm down and unclench your everything, NPR listeners. This is hardly a serious show.
I have loved the cut of 1969 jeans for a while...just wish they’d hold up in the quality department. Their denim gets thinner and thinner each time I buy it and I’ve sent back two pairs of “jeans” for being like, some sort of weird stretchy scratch fabric that was black on the inside and pretending to be jeans on the…
Yeah, I’m starting to think I’m done with the internet for today.
I dont think anybody has the responsibility to tell her she’s nuts. I’m just shocked that she went this long without anybody telling her that.
um, how do you know we DIDN’T just get a bunch of information on Raffey.
......Black by osmosis? Black by proxy??
Literally how did nobody who knew this chick call her out on this nonsense? This went on for years!!
I have been reading about this all morning and I still am making David Tennant’s WHAT face. This chick was super committed to this. Why did her husband just like, say nothing? This is the weirdest fucking story. What prompted her parents to ‘come clean’ with the media about this?
That’ll do, Wisconsin. There’s only so much heartbreak I can take right now.
Taking notes on how to interact with commenters from Jia, I see. Not a good look.
Practice, practice, practice. I’ve been doing my own nails since I was a little girl and I haven’t ever really run into problems with this. Keep on working at it and keep q-tips with nail polish remover handy for afterwards. :)
Anyone else read the book “Diet Cults”?
I will always be team Britney.
Whatever, this website told Dodai that she looked like she was 76. I’m terrified to see how hold it would say I was. Dodai’s skin is much nicer than mine.