MoonCat82 is a nomnivore

That’s exactly what this is. He could have children with literally 100s of other women. This is some creepy control move and going public like this is fucked up.

lessons learned this morning:

Damn, two in my state and neither close to me. :( oh well

What? There are clothing co-ops?? What are they called (do they have a special name to google)? I have literally never heard of these things.

I wish that fabric in most fabric stores was cheaper so that was feasible for more families. And that sewing didn’t take so much time and practice. :( There’s no way me or anyone else I know could sew clothing for the whole family. I barely have the time to wash the dishes after dinner on a weeknight before I have to

I hope you’re doing well, Kat. <3 I hope the new school is treating you nicely and things are better.

Being able to spot something when it’s been checked is a major plus, along with being sturdy and not showing stains. I have been convinced to start looking around for one at a garage sale or ebay now for my new diaper bag.

The elephant one looks super fun.

I do not understand the Vera Bradley purse love. They were all the rage when I went to school at OSU and I seriously thought at first everyone was just carrying around a diaper bag.

I did not know this brand before the Target fiasco and am a little disappointed to find out that it is so popular it sold out in minutes and that it’s so expensive. I like those patterns and the kitchen ware with them was pretty cute. Oh well.

I would wear that third dress every Sunday for the rest of my life. It looks so flowy and comfy.

Fucking butthead.

Out of curiosity, have people ever carried an embryo to term after the breaking up? That feels creepy.

<3 Britney Forever! <3

15 year old me would be really excited by the whole marriage thing and how I can have sex like, whenever we want to. 15 year old me was a ball of hormones.

Yes, yes it did.
We went on food stamps when we needed them and it helped us save up an emergency fund again while paying for bills. We were able to eat, pay bills, and save up and it was great. We ended up needing that emergency fund again this year (FUCK YOU CAR) and because of that - we aren't living in my in-law's

That is so metal.

Yeah, I was going to say something similar. Weight isn't taboo and it's almost as blunt as 'your hair is dark', etc. I remember being routinely asked how much I weighed in grad school by Chinese friends.

I know I’m missing the point of the post but GOD she is beautiful. How does she have skin that smooth and flawless? Her eyemakeup is always beautiful too.

I found my new Sat. morning happy music!