I gagged when I read that.
I gagged when I read that.
....I am barely functioning with two children and I am 32. Do we become more energetic after age 50 or just better at faking it?
I bet the answer to all of them is ‘alcohol’.
This actually looks like it was a pretty fun party. Can’t hate.
Gross, Madonna. You just don’t surprise kiss somebody like that.
wow, these are really pretty! I would put them everywhere on my body wear only bikinis. I don't get the hate for shiny temporary tattoos. Where can you get them?
Wait, what? Their hair just looks like....straightish long hair parted in the middle? I am missing the specialness of the style, I think.
Parry Gripp songs always crack me up. This is the best video ever. You are the best, Mark.
Their conscious uncoupling seems amicable. This is better than lots of divorces so I can’t hate.
I'm a little disappointed in myself for writing this but...this doesn't seem productive. The body snarking on his egg-shape is bumming me out.
yeah, check reddit. :(
I think I may be turning into a human incarnation of grumpy cat. I hate it.
I have been googling t-rex skull earrings since I read that. I need those in my life.
You have such pretty toes! (sorry, is that a weird compliment?)
I am 32 and am already transforming into Euro-faux hippie. It's a mix of me refusing to get rid of my tie-dye and maxi dresses from college, having few fashionable friends around to shame me into dressing better, working at a university, and receiving Chicos hand-me-downs from my husband's fashionable aunts.
Wow, it's been years since I read Something Positive. This takes me back.
I would have bought myself and all of my colleagues this set. This is amazing and I love it.
That's possible - I fold my cotton things and put them in drawers and hang all my work stuff.
For real. She sounds awful to work with no matter what.
As she should. There is no reason for you to have a wire hanger. They ruin anything you hang them on.