Mookie Bumboclot

I always get annoyed when I see a title to another story, but don’t notice it’s on Deadspin, and then click it and get forced to remember that Deadspin still technically exists.

I question the “talented” part of your comment. I mean, part of being a writer is actually reading your own stuff before hitting “submit”.

Sometimes when I read Harron’s stuff, I think “Canary in the coal mine.” A glimpse of how Jez fades away. Talented writiers just phoning it in till....poof.

Harron, I love you. But are you paid for this?

Biracial people don’t owe you a dna test. 

Thanks for highlighting this totally secret bit of inside knowledge that is 100% addressed in the article above.🙄

So this guy raped a minor and is being supported by the group that thinks the democratic party is run by secret pedophiles that must be stopped?

I can’t wait until they start regulating crypto so we don’t have to deal with this stupidity anymore


I’m sure I’m missing something important, but it seems like ANY currency whose value is so severely Tweet-dependent is not a stable currency that anyone should invest in.

I really need to leave the country. This is fucking stupid.

the CIA has dismantled many democratically-elected governments throughout the world in order to enrich themselves. this was done with plenty of oversight, generally approved by the president. transparency (which we only have in hindsight) does not change the thousands of people who are dead as a direct result of what

* sobs in Ontario *

Ya know, for a bunch of people who claim that every progressive idea under the sun will cost Democrats to lose seats, they sure as hell don’t seem to have those same objections about the guy who cost his wife the Presidency. The Clintons need to go away. Nothing energizes the Republican base more than seeing them.

I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.


I’m a fan of medium-medium-well (red-pink in the middle), but I understand your derision.

More likely she ordered it Chump style, well done and slathered with ketchup...

AOC lives in and represents the Bronx (and parts of Queens), thank you very much!