Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.
Call me a cynic, but I fully expect these assholes to all land on their feet eventually, because the world is unfair and annoyingly kind to mediocre white people.
She was such a weak link in a show I otherwise would have loved. There’s a huge difference between a talented actor pulling off a restrained, detached character (e.g. Rami Malek in Mr. Robot) and a wooden actor just being wooden.
I didn’t notice that complexity from Mizuno’s performance in Devs. To me it was restrained to a fault.
I am not trying to be hurtful or argumentative but as a non-American, I have to offer that the U.S. was not universally admired even before all of your current crazy. I do feel bad for the thinking, sane portion of your population. It must be maddening.
Tenet was ... fine? I watched it last night and honestly I WAY preferred watching this at home instead of in a theater. At least then I could pause it and think about all the time-inverting shit for a second. Well, I did that a couple times, then I just said F it and let the movie play because I knew it wouldn’t make…
Really didn’t care for the final battle. Reminded me of Inception’s siege on the snow fort. Just was boring to me.
You kind of lost me when you said you didn’t finish the Wire or go beyond one episode of Breaking Bad. How can we trust your taste when you abandoned two of the greatest shows in television history?
I still can’t believe the ego it takes to run in an election with no plan, no ideas, no reason except to sate their own ego.
I mean, is it true?
It only took 3 years and 9 months, but Melania finally found something to do.
He looks like expired ham with glasses
Canada has a conservative party and others in the center and further left. America has a centrist/conservative party and hard-right-Neo-Nazi party.
Just one question: what do you think the Republican response would be if Biden had tested positive right after the debate with Trump? How fucking fast would the conspiracy theory machine spin up that Biden knew he was positive all along, and was trying to infect Trump? How fucking nuclear would Trump have gone in that…
Let’s worry about the logistic tomorrow, shall we?
I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.
One of my favourite TV watching experiences was watching The Sopranos finale with my eventual-wife during a rewatch about ten years ago. I’d been a fan since the start and had seen the finale when it aired, this whole rewatch was the first time for her and she’d loved it. As soon as Don’t Stop Believing started I was…
How else can they prove to MAGA hats that they’re not part of the radical leftist agenda unless they both-sides everything?
WHAT is this bullshit? One of those “withered husks” is our only barrier to a straight-up fascist country that accelerates climate change and puts many of our neighbors and friends at risk of....almost anything. There is no equivalency here. Shitposting like this is harmful.
“He’s like the Jonas Salk of backs,” is still one of the best lines ever delivered on television.
Yeah but that bar is below fucking sea level at this point.