Mookie Bumboclot

It’s impossible to capture the extent in which this guy sucks.

Am I the only one that actively stays away from nostalgia, due to the fact that it only reminds me of my own mortality?

You’ll realize Killer Mike’s opinions on matters are trash if you let him rant. Just watch his Netflix show.

I would start a nuclear program, for reasons undivulged. 

A good way to disprove the idea that voter fraud is not a problem is to create some. Check and mate, libs.

I understand that idea, but wouldn’t that mean something that requires more of your brain? Like, immersing yourself into something, as opposed to something that allows you to look away and be with your thoughts?

I’ve never understood the whole just-want-to-switch-my-brain off thing. I don’t think I ever watched Breaking Bad and felt like I was doing a research paper.

I think the office sink is a good indicator that humanity is made up of a collection of individualistic apes that deserve the fire.


One of the first lady’s stated goals for the renovation was to “fulfill the dynamic needs of the modern presidency”

I thought this ghoul had cancer.

It’s always the pretty ones.

Past giveaway winners include: your mom.

My opinion on the matter will only be finalized once I am assured it will not get me in any trouble. 

I know how he feels. I constantly post opinions like “Raisin Bran #1 cereal” when in actuality that is not my position.

If I see this one more time I’m gonna go loco. 

If this dead man votes for Trump that’s electoral fraud.

Bummer this is on Apple TV+, cause they can’t show the dongs going in.

Disappointed Nephew is the name of my glam metal band.