Mookie Bumboclot

The fact that he was traded, straight up, for Martin Erat is extremely underreported. What did Forsberg do to McPhee?

I don’t appreciate being lumped in with the ‘bad seeds’. Just because a few people ruin something that I love to do and have done for years (it helped me bond with my father!), doesn’t mean I should have to suffer. I’m a responsible gun owner drinker.

Just signed up my main man Kevin Allen for some porno newsletters.

Pick Ritino

From an outside perspective, it’s extremely difficult to see America as not irrevocably broken.

It’s like a ‘surprise Christmas morning’ every year.

Let’s not sleep on just how junior hockey ass the names Keeghan Howdeshell and Barrett Hayton are.

A wise man once said: Don’t start nothin’, won’t be nothin’

A young conservative can only be SO principled, in the face of such tyranny.

God bless you.

Thank you for explaining journalism for tots to me.

Correction; removing the adjectives would affect the perception that it is more factual. The adjectives don’t change the facts, just the perceived bias. (Of which, granted, there is one, because Ivanka Trump is nothing but a circle scarf salesperson.)

Settle down.

Bullying is a net good.

Hedman > Karlsson

I am still not over this.

The reason why a figure skater might not be attracted to his objectively attractive skating parter of 20 years may be a pretty simple one....

The term ‘hero’ is thrown around a lot but you, sir, sound like a true douche.

Hardaway to go for the young man.