
Shania! It’s you!

Sheryl Crow has her own new terrible album out now, if it makes you happy.

HAHAHA OH GOD PLEASE LET’S HAVE A WORLD LEADERS ROAST OF TRUMP AFTER HE GETS IMPEACHED. Macron, Merkel, Turnbull, Trudeau, hell let’s invite everyone. It’ll be like the Olympics, only only one night and there’s only one event: roasting the shit out of a disgraceful asshole.

TO CLARIFY because this is understandably confusing people: Alina’s claim isn’t that she decided to not work, but that she didn’t want to be physically in the office all day, which is what Emily allegedly preferred. Her attitude is “if I get my work done, who cares where it happens” because bloggers can blog from

Sounds perfect. I pretend to sing country songs on the side.


Audiences and critics are so stupid. Don’t they know there’s nothing more fascinating than a white man in his 50's running around, pretending to be Indiana Jones? 

Penis-owner here.

I mean (sorry, ignorant): how painful is to keep your legs semi-closed? Because the guy above looks as though he is airing out his crotch (that’s one way to waft your pheremones, I guess). And what is the least open one can keep one’s legs without suffering duress? Genuine question.

“Mary Lee, who clocks in at 16-foot, 3,456-pounds”

He wouldn’t have run out of bullets if he’d used the first one on himself. And he knows damn well. He’s a fucking coward.

I actually ordered pancakes with ricotta cheese yesterday ON PURPOSE and they were incredibly delicious.

“...whena 14 year old propositions an adult for sex it’s not...”

Look, being a pioneer is dangerous.

Well, he’s not a Trump. He’s Kushner. And Kushners certainly do go to prison.

Oh that definitely exists. In addition to forcible rape by guards, on occasion inmates will willingly trade sexual favors for special privileges.

It is so hard to contain the rage, but to give in allows the institutionalized abuse to continue. I am more disheartened about our prison system than by the clown we elected president. There isn’t a blue vs red state difference in this case.

Unfortunately guard on inmate sexual assault happens to many male prisoners as well. And PREA deals with inmate-on-inmate rape, as well, which of course is rampant all around. Males, females, juveniles, etc.