
Find two accountants who ABSOLUTELY EFFING HATE anything related to entertainment (every office has them) & let them be in charge. Problem solved.

“AND she and her team clearly do not have good negotiating skills...”

I apologize for clarifying the gruesome video you saw... it was a staph infection & unfortunately one that went untreated for too long.

Anytime a Burn Notice reference pops up in my head I think of those three key words in your comment.

I remember this clown tactic from over 30 years ago. It’s a damn one-color tie, not a fucking talisman that transforms you into an omnipotent being.

They got a 2nd life at Burlington Coat Factory. 2 shirts & 2 ties for 12 bucks. Ties knotted in the shirts ready to go for when you need to nonverbally assert yourself as top dog during that day’s power lunch.

I guess the next step is some b-rated softcore movies that Cinemax will show late at...

And what a bitter whoosh of beauty it was!

It was during one of their ‘this is what the evil nonbelievers are doing to us’ segments. I would’ve continued channel surfing, but the music was such a departure from the warbly over-emotive caterwauling they’re known for.

It’s mine as well! I first heard her version playing on a religious station in the 90s while cycling through TV channels looking for something to watch. I had a lump in my throat by the end of the song.

In no way am I trying to top your experience, but the comments are bringing up long-forgotten memories & I’m just adding to yours: When a massive lexan pan full of raw chicken breasts marinating in teriyaki sauce started to go bad, a common remedy was to dump it all in any available sink compartment to let it drain,

Not too long ago in corporate world I brought a French press in not only to save costs, but time spent cleaning up after slobs who think more coffee in the brewer = more caffeine.

Not too long ago in corporate world I brought a French press in not only to save costs, but time spent cleaning up

Ha! That hook is so unnaturally saccharine that I hear it & imagine someone in the advertising world wants to be a performer in the worst way. I had no idea.

Thing is, the surgeon thought it was a picture of Blac Chyna.

You can have all of mine!

Ha. I wouldn’t doubt it.

First a holding facility for processing & administrative tasks, then on to a permanent location.

They had a huge retail empire & their faces were on everything, along with the photo opp obligations. I don’t think it’s hard to see the aversion to the prospect of yet another iteration of fame in their lives.

I know a few people, including me that does this without fail for any game on TV.