I used to think this whole Olive Garden thing was just made up by the kind of food snobs who refuse to eat store bought pasta sauce.
I used to think this whole Olive Garden thing was just made up by the kind of food snobs who refuse to eat store bought pasta sauce.
Next up.....Chip decides to run for public office.
Meh, I think the only two things I’ve seen her in are Harry Potter and The Bling Ring, and I thought she nailed Alexis Neiers.
El Oh Effing El
This is accurate.
This card-carrying Gay™ agrees. Although I might be a hater since I’m 43, and had to chaperone my younger sister and her friends when they went to see it in the theaters back in ye olde 80s. Then I got to enjoy repeated showings of it on HBO and VHS. Please, put me in that corner, facing the wall.
It was a garbage movie that was weirdly effective due to the chemistry of its excellent cast. Which is why it was entirely predictable that the remake would suck harder than a Dyson.
Hot Taek: The original Dirty Dancing was garbage too.
Totino’s will forever taste sweetly melancholy.
I read someplace that Abby Lee thinks she’ll be able to teach dance in prison as her prison work.
10th grade choir, in front of the entire student body. Twice.
I am probably going get a lot of shit for this (I am not a troll, I swear), but the animals people get upset about eating and not eating have just never made sense to me. Like cows, ok. Pigs, ok. Horses, NOT OK. Dogs, NOT OK. Is it level of cuteness? Like Fido is your bff but a baby pig could be someone else’s bff and…
And he was in Flashdance, too!
I am totally crying watching this stream.
Improvise original songs live, while harmonizing successfully, and then we’ll give a hoot.
I fucking cannot with this group. You cover pop songs in acapella. THAT IS NOT EXTRAORDINARY. YOU ARE OVERRATED.
Ja Rule is such a wimp. “It was NOT MY FAULT!” and”I can’t bear to listen to the employees get robbed!”
I think it’s bollocks, too. Well-intentioned bollocks, natch. And a nice attempt at a good t-shirt slogan. But too clunky and doesn’t ring at all. They tried.
oh for fuck’s sake.