
It was custody papers related to their divorce not a creditor trying to track her down and sue her or something. Why would Wilde run away or avoid them?

Kim’s going to be fist-deep inside a toddler’s chest cavity ripping their heart out by the end of the season and I’ll still be like “honestly love that for her”

Does Volunteer Proofreader have multiple accounts?

follows Hazel Green (Cristin Milioti) who trying to escape —> follows Hazel Green (Cristin Milioti), who is trying to escape

A lot of people seem to think Kim won't survive to the end of the series, but I don't see that happening. If Kim dies, I don't see Jimmy ending up as the Saul we see in Breaking Bad.

I said it normally takes ninety seconds. This took like ten minutes


Irregardless, it's a perfectly cromulent word. 

You’re needed over at Seriously.

Like anyone’s going to listen to me

Damn, name really checks out, +1

The Academy Of Motion Pictures Arts And Sciences —> The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences

Why is Joe Biden being pro-union surprising, delightfully or otherwise?!?

Yeah, this is confusing because he’s one of the few politicians who has literal decades of legislation he’s supported that is explicitly pro-union. That, and he’s from Delaware/Pennsylvania: it’d be hard not to be pro-union in that locale unless you yourself owned the coal mines.

Yeah, to see this as a surprise is evidence that the author has not been paying attention to Biden’s pro-labor actions at all.

How is this surprising? He’s always been pro-union, from what I remember. 

Sometimes, snark is says something about the limitations of its target. Sometimes, snark says something about the limitations of its author:

At this point, if you’re a concert promoter that is still booking Kanye and counting on him to be anything but unreliable, the consequences are kind of on you.

Seriously who thinks a large number of people keep abreast of WTF is going on with the Smith family? I cannot stand any of them and therefore don’t make it a habit of tracking their health issues (among other things). Smith slapping Chris Rock has been unavoidable to hear/read about. Jada’s alopecia, not so much.

Also, I'm pretty sure "her bald head" is due to shaving it. She has some hair loss, but she's talked about how she decided to just shave her head rather than try to hide missing hair.