“...a supposed lack of chemistry with Momoa.”
“...a supposed lack of chemistry with Momoa.”
Woof you should really run off a bridge holy shit what a nuclear take. Made recognitions look reasonable.
How are you out of the grays?
“Returning to business as usual then, with cries for her rightful return sustaining a mid level buzz as opposed to an unrelenting scream, is to tell her that we care…just not enough to stop everything and bring her the fuck home.”
“This isn’t faux outrage. This is real. I am outraged, I just don’t know what to do besides sign a petition and keep urging Biden to legalize marijuana federally.”
Griner’s salary is nearly $250K, plus endorsements and a million dollar Nike contract. She wanted to make more than that, so she went to work for an oligarch in a country that has codified its proud hatred of Black people, queer people, pot and women. Sue Bird, who played for the same Russian team, did a podcast…
Oh my god, I liked your comment as well. Cats and dogs, lying down together.
This is the heart of the astonishment at the faux outrage of the Left, and I have to commend you for stating it so succinctly. I couldn't put my finger on why it was irritating, and I feel it towards the Democratic politicians as of late, and so thank you.
“Bring her home”: you had several weeks since writing your last piece on this to say how this might be accomplished, and came up with... (scans article again) nothing. Not a practicable pay structure for the WNBA, not a path forward for the State Department, not a reasonable action that any individual reading this…
Next article by Emily Leibert: How Cheerleading is Like the War in Ukraine
You don’t seem to grasp the concept of “jurisdiction”. The US has no authority over the drug laws of other nations. The US has no legal authority to enforce US law in foreign territory. The US can only set up importation rules that every country must follow, and export guidelines for countries willing to agree to…
We should be as equally outraged about all the Americans wrongfully detained in Russia. They all deserve a swift and safe return. I feel like calling this out as a showing of the lack of care for Black, queer women is unfair. Likely there is a list of who is in the most dire of health and has been there the longest in…
“At this point, however, silence won’t cut it. Griner’s detention is white supremacy, is pay inequity, is homophobia, is misogyny, is the worst of us.”
Jesus fucking christ no one on this website knows shit about geopolitics.
She is being held by a fascist government that no longer has normal relations or ties with the…
It’s like a “Performative Woke Culture” bingo card. Is it any wonder the American white girls at Jezebel are so eager to make this story a thing?
A) She and her lawyers admitted to having smuggled them
“What a privilege it is for those who’ve been able to carry on with their lives without feeling Griner’s loss. That privilege is a uniquely American one: Living in an individualistic country that places profit above people and politicians above progress means that we do not bleed for one another.”
I have mixed feelings about cases such as these, because she *should* have “known better” than to bring these cartridges. Russia is not soft on drugs, and given that she had played there in the past she knew the laws. This isn’t America where we’re *RELATIVELY* soft on drug crimes; we can compare our laws to other…
This faux outrage about wrongly detained Americans has been strangely absent as applied to....any other wrongly detained American overseas. Once you leave the U.S., you are subject to the laws of the country you are in (and their fair or insanely corrupt legal system) and the U.S. government has no control. Saying…
“She shat in his bed” can only be spun so many ways.
I love that you’re all “we don’t know the facts” in the same post as assuming the nature of the joke and guessing at Palmer’s sense of humor.