
Yeah, I feel strongly that portion of the testimony is just going to be disregarded by anyone on the Jury that saw Aquaman.  Pretty much, the comparison of Amber Heard to Zendaya, Gal Gadot, etc. is just going to sound like nonsense to anyone that watched her in literally any film. 

One of the negative side effects of this trial, is people having to pretend she was good as Mera, when she really wasn’t.  I thought she was wooden, that her lines were stilted and that she just wasn’t that great.  I think that is the real reason for her being sidelined, not this Johnny Depp sideshow. 

The article is just garbage, honestly. We don’t have the power to forcefully bring her home, and if the author wanted to spend a little time actually looking into this case rather than using it as an excuse to wax poetic about being oh so woke they would realize the term Russia set for her return was an exchange for

This is all notwithstanding the fact that the author has not one damn clue what the administration may or may not be doing in the first place, or that other Americans held in Russia have been detained there for YEARS before we could negotiate a deal to bring them home.  Anyone that thinks there is a quick resolution

Word.  I had no clue who tf this guy was until this article.

Teflar marketed itself at the outset, years ago, with the motto “its not for you, its for everyone.

I did “like fucking read it”, and I also happen to have been an attorney working in law firms for a very long time (including for several years at Ballard Spahr), and this article is just gibberish from someone that has no clue how law firms actually operate on a national scale. The author doesn’t even bother to

You are spamming this thread with a link to an article which, literally, as its sole point, was that Biden had a fundraiser at the home of a Comcast executive that happens to be represented by a law firm that *gasp* has a legal department that also happens to have attorneys that work for management against the

I guess he was sick of Will Smith and Chris Rock getting all the attention, or maybe he just genuinely forgot about the performance.  Either way, whatevs.  Have to think Coachella has a backup planned already. 

Honestly, I thought he was trying to low key compliment JPS since G.I. Jane was considered to be a total badass and that role was a peak hotness moment for Demi Moore and JPS is also pretty hot.

Unpopular opinion: She is being whiny and entitled.

She is an ass.  Of course she is going to come out with a comment that basically minimizes the abuse of someone else because it doesn’t affect her personally.  Birds of a feather an all. 

Yeah, I’m over here like.... why would she want to sit an interview some jackass that thinks Manson is innocent of being an abuser, or at the very least that the abuse should be condoned?  Is that really worthy of airtime?  Sometimes there aren’t both sides to an argument, it is just that something is bad. 

I’m with you. Was part of the union bargain for the writers to require a shoehorned in random insult about Joe Biden now?  That was how that read to me, completely out of place and also completely unexplained. 

Ugh. I can count on both hands and feet the number of restaurants that received relief funds and proceeded to shut down and not pay rent. They didn’t really do any work on policing how the funds were actually spent, and so a lot of people got these grants and proceeded to cash out investors, not pay workers or try to

What is with all this bullshit in the greys? Whatever you believe about her drug use, in the best case scenario for La Fontaine she was severely inebriated when he penetrated her. That isn’t “banging” a guy you met three days prior. 

Now playing

Mother F-in Montage was the best of all time.

I love how this man just went back to standing in line and commenced ignoring them both.

I agree. I don’t go to work in a purple wig and thigh high suede boots with a miniskirt. If I did, my clients would think I do not take their matters seriously, and I wouldn’t blame them. Not sure why this should change simply because the person in question is a politician or a woman.

Yeah. I think of the three siblings, Roman somehow manages to be the most decent while also still being a total shithead.