
This Azealia Banks??:

Not to mention (1) her children have a place to stay but whomever is taking care of said children has no interest in taking her in, (2) she isn’t calling out her mother or her kids father (if Dre could help so can they) (3) she produced a documentary slamming him for not buying her a record label so she could have a

Not paying your taxes is going to result in being deemed in default by your lender because taxes have priority over the lien of the mortgage and risk the bank’s security interest in the property. It may be the case that a bank evaluated and decided against foreclosure right now, but once you stop paying taxes your

Its crazy.


Yeah.  I think you hit the nail on the head in all respects. 

Fair point, but in this case I don’t think Hello Sunshine is enough of a household name that a company thinks slapping a “Hello Sunshine” sticker on the product will make it sell. Could I be wrong? Absolutely, and it wouldn’t be the first or fifth or fifteen thousandth time.

Sure, but there is a big difference between having some say and what the article wants readers to believe, which was that Reese Witherspoon took a check for $900M to sell all of Hello Sunshine to two Disney bros. That is why everyone had such a negative reaction to the article.

What happened was a newly formed company made an investment in Hello Sunshine which resulted in a majority stake in Hello Sunshine being held by said company. Reese didn’t just pack the whole business up and hand it off to two guys to do what they will. Under the terms of the agreement the current CEO of Hello Sunshine

Agreed.  Goopify makes zero sense in this context.  Gwyneth never pretended a vagina scented candle was a huge leap forward for feminism, and Reese wasn’t producing films to sell products with dubious health benefits. 

Feels like “Goopify” is being misused here. Reese and Gwyneth have entirely different forms of asshole tendencies and the ven diagram overlap is maybe 25%.

Loving this

By blowing a fucking whistle of all things.  Snowflakes triggered.

I legit died on the “Are you a pedophile?” video.  Couldn’t breathe.   This shit gave me life today man. 

The problem for Megyn is that she aged out of the Fox Barbie News track.  They are only interested in hearing news from women they want to sleep with. 

I’ve got some sympathy for Zola, because I think the entire situation she spoke on was an effort by Jessica and Rudy to trap her into sex work. Zola was able to survive it largely intact, I don’t fault her for using humor as a way to get it out after the fact. Should she have doxxed everyone? Nah. But getting a cut

Eh, he didn’t just take advantage of Jessica, he also raped one of her friends, who he tried to force into prostitution (along with another friend, each of whom they retrieved from the side of a highway after their car broke down) shortly after the Zola story ended. He was eventually convicted of assault for the

I get that appearing at the Olympics as a representative of the United States is different from the NFL protests, where the players aren’t representing our country. But I still find this particular thread of the Fox News anti-CRT fabric to be uniquely horrible, as it requires you to accept that this form of protest

This is pretty  much the only thing that needs to be said on this matter.  Godspeed, LizTaylorsEarrings.  Godspeed. 

I think it is always fine for someone to say they are not interested, and to correct a statement like this that is inaccurate. Da Brat gave her due respect in the moment, unlike all these “nice guys” running around out here. Wendy is the one that kept trying to go back and get some kind of grab.