
Property for tax purposes is basically never just an object regardless of how you use it. Residency has dick to do with it. If I build a building, a structure, on a plot of land, I pay property tax on it whether I live there, put a store in it, or leave it empty. Property in this case generally refers to real estate.

Boats are moored at a marina. The owner of the marina charges fees to keep boats moored there. Part of that fee is paying the marina’s property tax. That applies to house boats, mega-yachts, speed boats and the floating home of a certain West Virginia senator. The county can’t assess a property tax for property

$3.3 million yacht?” Sounds like one of us!

That just exposes you to having to pay space tax though.

Hm, I can’t figure out which way Ron DeSantis would step in and fuck this up in an authoritarian manner.

Paint this as a “rich persons loophole” all you want, but I bet the upkeep on this thing eclipses the property tax the county would be assessing anyway. Not to mention the extra cost of making the house seaworthy compared to just building the house on land likely would never make up for the property taxes assessed. So

Me too - I was going to say... ehhh... this is a stretch.

Honestly, I was ready for this to be wayyy less boat-like than it is.

Yeah, but why do something that makes sense and helps level the playing field when you can just be a raging bigot?

After more research, it actually appears normal that the Academy only individually invites people who were individually nominated, and presenters. So even the leads of a film nominated wouldn’t receive an invite unless they were a named nominee in some single category.

“I said counsel Kanye not cancel Kanye.”

“I said counsel Kanye not cancel Kanye.”

Actually, after doing more research it looks like it is normal practice to NOT invite anyone who wasn’t an individually named nominee. Even the lead of a nominated film.

I was a little bit hesitant when i pressed play but got hooked immediately. Every character is likeable, the art direction is good, it’s effervescent and charming without being saccharine.

I absolutely hate when people invalidate mental and emotional harm by acting like anyone who doesn’t cause direct physical harm is completely innocent.

I agree. Positive note, Kim is super rich with presumably good/great security. Plus, in theory, they learned something from the OJ incident. But who knows, Ye (when did that start?) does seem like he might just blow through and do something.

Every unstable, controlling man is “harmless” until the woman turns up injured or worse. And then it’s that she somehow caused it.

Why does this woman keep inserting herself like her opinions matter? Is she still on Kanye’s payroll or something? She “dated” him for a week. Are we asking all his groupies for their assessments of his mental state, or just the ones who desperately want to be relevant?

If you only talk to people who are claiming his guilt then you aren’t being objective with your filmmaking.”

Also, curious that you use Neverland as an example considering that film is widely regarded to be a misleading fabrication. Then again, people love MJ a whole lot more than Manson...