
Only so many times I can shake my damn head at this but today words going around that he’s now romantically linked to a girl that is getting her Masters in behavioral health and works as the COO of a mental health services provider...

No one has really been using the words “abuse” or “stalking”. I think there is a real problem of (conscious or subconscious) dislike/lack of respect for Kardashian and/or sycophancy for West. 

The world has not been this close to a full-scale war with multinational involvement of nuclear powers since the height of the Cold War. For better or worse, that was not the case with Afghanistan or Iraq or Somalia or the Balkans, etc.

I get it, but those are also very different situations. Abu Ghraib was perpetrated by the aggressor in that war, us, and the Japanese internment camps, yeah, if Ukraine were putting Russians who are Ukrainian citizens in prison camps, that would be a something to report on. If you don’t like something the Ukrainian

Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised to see him lay hands on her or whatever dude she’s seeing. Clearly no one in his circle is willing to tell him ‘no’.

This headline feels so dismissive for a very real case of abuse

Ugh, thank you so much for not just saying it… but saying it all so well. This was some contrived hot-take bullshit from the headline to the closing paragraph.

100% this. There were a dozen or so bots busted on IG yesterday with he same copy-pasta “What about racial minorities!

Russia invaded a country. At some point you have to grow the fuck up and choose sides, okay?

But continually casting coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as racist isn’t a very convincing argument”

Jesus Jezebel’s coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been dreadful. I hardly know where to start.

So you’re saying you don’t know anything about History or you’d realise Ukraine has been strategically important to both Western Europe and Russia for centuries. This started way before Putin.

I didn’t know progressive and American was synonymous with ignoring facts and ignorant hot takes! Though given the nonsense that you and others regularly post here, I shouldn’t be surprised.

It’s like this was written by someone with absolutely zero knowledge of geopolitics, or really anything beyond the US.

Not that I expect brilliant international relations analysis from Jezebel, but I have to love how for all the complaining about imperialism, this is the most America-centric analysis of Ukraine I have ever seen. There isn’t even a mention of Europe, their over reliance on Russian gas (especially Germany), NATO,

You seem to have misunderstood what the blog post says.

in the top five of all time with The Weeknd’s performance last year

Pete seems like he would take much less emotional energy than Ye. I don’t blame Kim for having fun.

Peloton instructors, including Robin, intentionally, do not talk about being thin or losing weight or getting perfect bodies or looking good.  I don’t know how someone could do their workouts and come away saying that they are saying THIN=GOOD or are encouraging you to lose weight.  It’s pretty obvious they are

Hard agree. We bring ourselves to every aspect of our life—and if you’re coming into working out feeling inadequate or like you need to be more, or less, than no workout is going to fulfill that need because the need is in you.