
Twenty-four years for trying to sell a kilo of heroin. So if she’d sold billions of dollars worth of pills and gotten over half the country hooked on her product, she’d get a fine and keep it moving. But she tried to sell a kilo of dope and she gets more time than your average rapist. Cool, cool.

I’m interested in how the “smoking gun” link to court documents reveal what a appears to be reimbursement for a shocking two round trip flights in 2012 for JL Spears plus what appears to be a possible child’s RT fare (and refunded upgrade fees) from her home state to Los Angeles, where her sister lives. Both of these

I read King’s twitter thread in its entirety.

Roads and bridges ARE a woman’s problem because we use them to get to WORK.  

The problem with a denim skirt that is longer than your knees is that even if you wear just a bra with it, I’m going to automatically think “oh is she one of *those* Christians?”

This is something us gays have to say pretty regularly to people of the same gender that try to pull this. It’s annoying and honestly kind of reduces us to a prop to the straight-person’s ego “Oooh, this gay person would totally date me but I’m not gay, ahaha”. That Williams would interpret someone’s sincere concern

Shocker, narcissistic sociopaths never change. 

Right then, Redfield knew it was over. Trump showed in that moment that he hadn’t changed at all. The pandemic response wasn’t going to change, either.

It’s safe to say that since the allegations haven’t really moved beyind random allegations, he’s done nothing homophobic since then, and he has officiated several same-sex weddings, I’d say it’s pretty safe to assume that he isn’t some sort of secret homophobe.

I get the feeling a bunch of us were all thinking “why the fuck am I not selling Q shit to idiots online?” the moment we read this.

Yeah, but my point was that those bad things that were alleged don’t seem to have been borne out by his actions. If he had problematic views in 2011 (big if), it looks like he clearly came around sometime between then and 2015.

The US has a statute to declare foreign terrorists but not domestic ones:

The OP was speaking of the previous article as well as this one, and your response was “I noticed y’all are still clicking and commenting, so thanks for doing your part to keep our traffic strong. ;)“, hence my question of whether you feel it ok to drag innocent people for clicks. But reading is comprehension right?

So you admit to being ok to dragging innocent people for clicks? That’s pretty fucked up.

Or, given “small East Texas town”, maybe they personally know zero gay people (that they know of) but know many downtrodden animals who need help.  Or a spouse works for the local animal shelter ... or there is no local LBGTQ org to donate to ... or a dozen other reasons.

She shouldn’t have said boo, because she had nothing for which to apologize.

The Takeout covered this story without being petty and bitch and trying to invoke the usual outrage Olympics.

I was thinking the same thing. I’m sure the animal rescue is a cause already close to this woman’s heart, and when put on the spot, it was the first thing that came to mind. The snark about it seems pointless, at best.  Caring about things isn’t a zero-sum game.

Can we not just let this be a good story? Getting judgemental about the choice of charity receiving the customers’ goodwill seems petty.

Selling rainbow cookies didn’t fix homophobia but the response to it clearly exposed it.