Before they got married, the American press didn’t cover her and them that much, I suspect, because they didn’t think it would last. Celebitchy did a good job of aggregating and covering the press back when he dumped her.
Before they got married, the American press didn’t cover her and them that much, I suspect, because they didn’t think it would last. Celebitchy did a good job of aggregating and covering the press back when he dumped her.
I see her as sad. Painfully thin and always having to be the perfect woman
I just find it funny how her continued “excellence” in the role she chose to go for compared to her husband fucking around in the role given from birth is really the best argument against the hereditary monarchy.
He did. Right after he dumped her.
I just said this in another comment.
It is true. Look at what she’s praised for and what Meghan is criticized for.
I don’t know. It seems Catherine did have some but not full independence growing up and just preferred the comfortable gilded cage so when it came to the royals she decided she would be willing to dance the tune to have it. It’s not like Diana, who bought into the romance and never checked the small print (which makes…
Bizarre how her mother was made fun of when she started a company that made an absolute fortune (not even close to an easy task) while the people ridiculing her had everything handed to them from the outset and some generations at that.
Nah, we know her answer, the audience knows her answer, and Drew is not qualified to properly refute whatever bullshit she would have spewed. The woman feels no shame and it would have just provided a platform for whatever conspiracy theory about COVID vaccines she decided to latch on to (if I had to guess, either the…
I love Simone, but Athleta is extremely overpriced for stuff you can buy any where else for 1/3 the price.
The funniest part of those comments is when all those white males preface their comments with “I am a black woman, and...” or “I am an African-American, and....” Sure you are, Chad.
Swing and a miss.
“Sorry I got caught trying to protect my daughter from a physically abusive partner?” The fuck are you on about?
No it isn’t. Stop being a fucking cunt, you fucking cunt.
I basically feel bad for everyone but the cops. The mom didn’t do anything wrong. Her daughter appears to have been abused and she did the right thing trying to protect her. The kid was alone in a bathroom. The cops needed to de-escalate and they didn’t.
This exchange is a textbook example of, “this woman is too uppity and sassy, she doesn’t know her place, but I’m gonna teach her”.
It’s still early in the year, but this guy has to be in the lead for the “Dumbest Fucking Hill to Die On” award,... Holy shit,...
Turns out he took the same seminar as the Fyre Festival guys.
So you think ‘sources’ and ‘well connected royal insider’ are Prince Harry and spouse?
Bobby’s hard for me to watch him now, in 2021, and judge him. I’m not forgiving him for anything he’s guilty of, but you look at him now, and he just seems like a broken man. He’s been through so much tragedy, mental health issues, and just life in general.......coming from poverty to being a child star…