It’s about controlling her opinion of him and making sure she knows he’s a sex stud or whatever instead of reality.
It’s about controlling her opinion of him and making sure she knows he’s a sex stud or whatever instead of reality.
I see couple of things happening with this Colton discourse.
That part. The fact that he used real money is great and all (bar is in hell, I guess), but imagine getting thrown several extra bills that look likes $100s and $50s only to realize it’s fake. A lot of these women have been under employed for the last year. This is just really scummy!
Throwing fake bills as a ‘promotional thing’ is shitty.
Every single Usher story I’ve heard makes him sound like a Medium level asshole.
I don’t think it’s a fetishization to acknowledge that Asian babies are superlatively cute.
I found his comment exceedingly endearing. He wants babies with this woman that look like her because he loves her so much and he can’t wait. He’s a blond babyface, she is Asian, so why should he not use Sean Lennon as an aspirational example of what he wants his progeny to look like? I am on the non-creepy side of…
“I have a Muslim friend” means there is someone in his social circles who is Muslim and who doesn’t reflexively punch him in the face or tell him to fuck off on sight. The person he is referring to would no doubt be astonished to learn that this douchebag thinks they are ‘friends’.
It’s not adrenaline or emotional “instability;” it’s muscle memory.
Sure, he just has a racist and bigoted brain in his body. And maybe every bone in his body is bigoted, not just one.
Considering that I don’t think I’ve seen a review of this show in years that’s been more than vaguely positive at best, and in light of the many TV reviews that have met the chopping block in that time, I’m genuinely bewildered that it was Shameless that the AV Club was apparently convinced was worth sticking with to t…
“you literally turned around and made it about your weird grudge”
I said it elsewhere, some right wing news aggregator like The Drudge Report or some MRA twitter account must have linked here
This thread is being brigaded by a bunch of incels.
Hey, I’m two years younger than Charles and I am not “pretty elderly” (just pretty)!
It’s not going to be the same again. The man definitely had his flaws, namely his at times complete inability to understand his wealth and why you shouldn’t make “jokes” with the punchline aimed at race, gender, or disability, but he was probably more of a positive to the world than a negative over the course of his…
Yeah, it isn’t necessarily career ending, but this is the second time it’s derailed her career - the first time this came up was at her last job. It may be easy to say “this job was too high profile for her mistake, the next one will be fine” but I mean, that’s so subjective - she could take a job 5 steps down from…
I’m somewhat as you state that you state that it is a big thing that she lost a huge opportunity because of this, yet everything else you write is about how this is not that big of a deal?
Yeah. Recently I’ve had very mixed feelings about Alexi McCammond’s firing from Vogue Teen, which this article reminded me of.
Before really going in to that shrugging response of yours, I feel the need to provide some context for its tone. I’ve now for about a decade been doing volunteer work with the teenagers, who by the way say ridiculously stupid things. It’s not okay when they say it and we’ve had constant discussions with various teens…