
That would be for the best. The turbo lag on the mid 80s 300TD was horrendous. My bosses was the first one I ever drove and I refused to drive another turbo for over 20 years.

Not after Elon genetically engineers them by cross breeding Ostriches with Space Shuttle Tiles.

Still not as ugly as the guppy mouthed Ford Fusion.

C5 Corvette. I already have a 5 people sedan, so I would indulge. Besides, it is almost time for my mid-life crisis anyway.

Sorry that on was so meh, I couldn’t even finish the article. Good job Jason Torchinski, I think you finally hit meh car nirvana!

Only had this happen once, but I just gave the information to my lawyer (friend of mine) and told them that he would deal with it. He never heard from them.

Time - Sometime after midnight

Oh pshaw. Just rub a few gallons of bondo on it and it will be as good as new.

1967 Buick Riviera loved that car when I was a kid. That roller speedometer, the look of the colors.

Looks like a good candidate for a low rider, except for that price. Man that is steep.

I have wanted to do that with a 1960s Dauphin. Except I was thinking with a Ninja engine.

I prefer the 2nd gen, especially the version with the round headlights used before the facelift.

I had an ‘81 Hatchback in metallic brown back the mid to late 80s when I was a younger man. Loved that little hatch and surprisingly, it swallowed my 6'3" 255lbs frame pretty well. Too bad I smashed it to pieces late one

I don’t mind the size too much, granted I am 6'3" with the body of a football lineman, but that ass on that thing is horrendous. Shudder. The point is moot though, because unless I hit the Powerball or something, Jalopnik is probably the only place I will ever see one of those.

It would be much more acceptable if it had a sexier butt. That is one ugly ass.

New Lada looks soft, like moose and squirrel.

This is what I love about Jalopnik, they say here are some cars and they don’t jjust deliver some cars, but a nice eclectic bunch of cool cars.

I have thought for years that SUVs should be classed as cars instead of Trucks for Cafe Standards. They are not used in in any numbers in “the construction trades” as are pickups. They are people movers pure and simple and in a lot of cases, they move small amounts of people in way too big bodies.

None, if you are running Top Fuel Funny Car.

No Lemons here, cut out the fenders, put on some mudders with a mild lift like that dude up in Philly did to that Z3. Then Hoon the crap out of it on some backwoods dirt roads.

Without more information, especially why is the steering wheel misaligned, this is a crackpipe.