Monster of the Subway

Actually he took the idea of 10,000 hours from other (real) intellectual type people, and in the process misunderstood the results of their study.

Yeah but still.

jesus dude. yeah, i gave you a star but still 

Nigeria is just one little country

This is what middle managers think smart people sound like.

Because that’s where black people in the West Indies came from Nigeria, or west Africa probably.

The other 77% is 100% Krustofsky.

How bad is it that Bill Simmons was the self aware one here?

I still can’t believe this asshole has an incredibly lucrative career because turned the phrase “practice makes perfect” into a 10,000-word book.

Can 23&Me explain what the fuck happened to the other 77% of him?

It held Brock Osweiler to 139 yards on 15 completions

Exhibit A in the Kaepernick antitrust suit. 

And he would be an immediate upgrade over all three quarterbacks on their roster this year!

per Spotrac, and has never won more than seven games in a season

How he keeps getting employed is beyond me, but I honestly respect the hustle.”

I think he ran the concession stand in week 3 and successfully kept Jameis Winston away from the crab legs.

He could start for the Bills tomorrow

He’s earned over $130 million since entering the NFL in 2010, per Spotrac, and has never won more than seven games in a season.

Dude, everyone can see your comment history. Derrick Rose doesn’t give a shit that you’re out here fighting the Internet for him. Find something more productive to do.

Oh Pooh! Always getting your head stuck in hunny pots and not knowing the meaning of consent. Adorable!