Monster of the Subway

That’s awesome. It’s good for them, it’s good for him, and honestly it’s good for the game. They saw a generational player in danger of falling through the cracks, and moved to put him in a healthy and functional situation for more or less the first time in his career. Whatever they get out of it, he and the rest of

Yea I object to them being described as parasites and vampires. Insufferable wannabe dickheads is what I would use

Cool cool cool. None of that applies to Lacob, who is a VC/hedge fund guy, who you know, basically builds/creates nothing and doesn’t really employ anyone you might consider a “working stiff.” Fuck off back to

I think it’s the part where they refer to themselves as just like everyone else, albeit smarter. 

Greedy-ass taxpayers, not letting a billionaire off the hook for 40 million dollars.  HE’S A JOB CREATOR!!!!!!!


Try to imagine the worst possible NFL preseason storyline.

You’re a remarkable idiot

I don’t want it gone. I want the corrupt system and current rendition of it to be taken down and fixed.

The real scandal here is who the fuck abbreviates “football” as FB? Especially after spelling it out TWICE in the same tweet (once w/ a capital F, mind you)

The ball deflated itself rather than be involved in the preseason farce.

At this point, I’m rooting for every mini-controversy. Who knows which of them will be the one that finally brings down the entire NFL? The major ones haven’t done it, so it’s probably one of these types of things.

I’d be pretty deflated too if I had to pay full price to watch this garbage. 

If you headbutt the guy across from you on the line of scrimmage, you’re doing it wrong. You need to be looking forward. Most contact along the line is facemask to facemask if done properly. Looking down at the ground renders you worthless and easily blockable.

If football wants to survive, it needs to remove helmets and shoulder pads. You want dudes not killing themselves? How about not turning them into missiles from the chest up.

They need to get rid of pads and helmets and most of this shit goes away.

They got rid of feeding people to lions in front of the mob. Football had a good run. It’s a collision sport. 

I don’t disagree with your larger point, but the dude in the picture has his head down and eyes at the ground, so unless his prediction was, “this fucker is going to lay down on the ground while I look at him”, his technique could use some work.

To everyone who complained that CTE has ruined their enjoyment of the sport, this is what actual measures to address it look like. CTE is caused by hits to the head. If you want it to go away and the sport to still exist, you have to stop people from getting hit in the head. Stopping people from repeatedly getting hit

I’m rarely on the side of NFL management, (and even in this case they’ve fucked the messaging up) but the players don’t know what’s good for them if they’re going to revolt over this.  The NFL sees the writing on the wall, and knows it needs to get LESS violent if it’s going to survive.  The status quo will lead to