Monster of the Subway

I love that the American Dream of one day getting rich is the brass ring that keeps most people voting like idiots against their own self-interest. One day they may need the tax break that the 1% get, and may be able to pay for private schools and private healthcare and be able to be “better” than the people that they

We had an email storm a couple years back. Once it started dying down, I added a late “Did you mean to send this email to me?” reply all just to stir the pot. Got a good number of replies to that one.

you got the wrong MatisyahuSerious and the Ragged Tiger, please remove - have a great day!

Stop saying “unsubscribe.” You’re only making it worse.


The Lombardis/Polians/Kipers of the football world live in a blissful state free from any accountability for being even close to right about anything. They are dead-ass wrong 85% of the time, and never engage in a moment’s analysis about why they got something wrong.

The beef may go back further than you think. I remember Zirin was actually on a Simmons podcast back in the Grantland days (or maybe even pre-Grantland) and they seemed to find common ground on the stadium funding stuff.

But then Grantland really fucked up with the transgender doctor story and Zirin pounced. Simmons,

I don’t really like The Ringer and think that it’s mostly not good and boring. Though I have developed a taste for the NBA Desktop weekly video.

To this day I picture Temecula as being full of belligerent sports fans with a bad case of Nikolai Khabibulin eye twitch, ready to throw down at a moment’s notice. I’m afraid to visit it.

As far as beef goes I’ve got this between cat food and steak-ums for nutritional/entertainment value.

I think he’s going to have to prove it. You know, he’s coming back saying he loves football—I talked to some people here, and he might like humanitarian work more than football. I don’t know. Nothing wrong with that, but I don’t know where his values really lie.

Can we talk about the fact that The Ringer is getting to be somewhere between good and really good, and yet Simmons is somehow the worst part of it? I think BS deserves a lot of credit for making things come together a second time and hiring some really talented folks, but his public interactions with them (partly due

I legitimately feel bad for Tate Frazier, who’s generally likable and funny, to be saddled with that incomprehensible shitbag Mike Lombardi.

Yes. Give me all of the drama, and let it end in Temecula.

Can’t stand that these kids are designated as “amateurs”. I am an amateur basketball player, these kids are pros in all but name and pay.

Are you like one of those Russian agents imitating a liberal activist to undermine our institutions, specifically the FBI (not that they’re doing admirable work here)? Asking for a racist ass, white supremacist, patriarchy-upholding(?) friend.

It’s over, Sean. Give it up.

Arizona’s US Attorney seems to think it is wire fraud

Hey Sean. You suck at trolling BTW.

So here’s the issue, money laundering and wire fraud are still illegal, even if the NCAA is bullshit (and it is).