Monster of the Subway

I’m looking forward to hearing Tom Izzo not discuss this at this time.

Wait so they’re investigating this and Russian interference? Where do they find the hours in the day?

I hope a bucket of paint falls off a ladder and lands upside-down on your head and gets stuck there and you stumble around with a paint-bucket on your head and crash into a ladder and fall down a manhole.

Not only a liar, but someone lying “for effect”

Fuck off dirtbag.

Think you can give a teenager who was in the fucking school when this happened a break on some shock induced hyperbole can’t we?

The shooter was apparently armed with a handgun and a powerful assault rifle. This massacre is therefore a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub. And we have to decide if

I’m gonna go with she didn’t have time to research her facts because she just watched her friends get blown away and her life was just changed forever.

When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?

In response to Trumps tweet.

Soiled diapers don’t say anything racist.

There are a few liberal areas, but the vast majority of CA is rural and/or conservative. Having SF and LA in your corner gives the impression that CA is more liberal than it is.

Chinless and out of shape with a scowl is a badge of honor among the GOP.

Having lived in CA for a while, I have to laugh every time anyone says CA is liberal.

Doesn’t Sessions look like a melted Pence? Is there some crazy dark magic afoot? Have they ever been in the same room together?

I always think the name “Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III” is a name that would be rejected for use in a Civil War movie as it sounds too stereotypical.

At least soiled diapers have served a use in the world.

I’m sure the neckless fuck we apparently cannot get rid of for another four years in our own county, CA Contra Costa Sheriff David Livingston, was lapping it up.

Please don’t insult my son’s soiled diapers like that.

This man is the human equivalent of a soiled diaper. He even looks like one.