Monster of the Subway

How were they to know he’d massively screw the city over? He’d only ever massively screwed one other city over!

If we ever start putting these asshole billionaires in the guillotine, I imagine there will be a long line for pulling the lever on professional sports owners.

I’d like to think this might dissuade other cities from giving billionaires money for stadiums in the future. Also, I am an extremely dumb person.

really lax drafting by Miami’s lawyers to let Loria include the Fuck You Miami Fund under the “certain expenses” deduction

This is why you fight for gross points, kids. Net is bullshit. You tell them to shove their net points up their ass.

This can’t be a real comment

I’m going to put this as nicely as I can: fuck you.

I’ve seen a few of these comments/emails so might as well say, yeah I went to Michigan. But for what it’s worth, a lot of people I love went to or still go to MSU, and I rooted for Izzo and Dantonio and loved Draymond Green and Kirk Cousins when I was a kid/teen. I want them to be a good, safe university.

Don’t bring NASCAR into this

How many Pall Mall’s burned in the ashtray when you typed this?

Save it for your column, Mr. Couch.

are you mad on the internet

Honestly it’s like a cult listening to MSU fans on Detroit sports radio as they defend their football and basketball coaches

It’s like he watched The Post but somehow thought Tom Hanks was the bad guy.

Be... sure.... to... drink... your... Ovaltine!

The NYC bid is so phenomenally, unbelievably stupid that it enrages me just to think about it.

It’s all part of the same problem.

This is a complete abdication of journalistic responsibility and a massive insult to everyone affected by this person’s wrongdoing.

If you think this is crazy, wait until I tell you what Fox *News* has completely ignored

I wish I had a snarky comment for this. I’m out of ‘em. Fuck that ridiculous right-wing cabal of sham networks and everything they stand for.