Monster of the Subway

Hey everyone, relevant to your interests:

I appreciate the commentariat keeping the email address alive. Despite the original post requesting respectful feedback, I fear I may have strayed from that directive. The terms “sackless cowards” and “kindly fuck off” may have been used.

I have no regrets. 

Hey, let’s talk about how G/O media are such gutless scum that they took down all of the posts across the kinjaverse about how awful the autoplaying videos are and how to contact the ownership about it.

I was thinking this the whole time he was talking. Take a couple quick shots, maybe sideline routes? You’re not going for the TD, you’re going for a few positive yards to set up the chip shot. It is true that Trubisky sucks, but an incomplete doesn’t get you into clock trouble.

No football team has ever gained yardage on a running play when the other team knew they were running. Nagy was billed as some sort of fucking offensive genius and he can’t call a play in that situation to get them a few more yards?

I don’t even have to see the autoplay videos because I’ve fixed my browser. But I just locked my work computer and a notification is on the screensaver about the thing playing, with an option to pause.

Deadspin’s bosses, turn this ridiculous shit off, it’s not making you money and it’s pissing off all your readers

Have you met the quarterback?

They know you’re running the football, so you lose three, four yards, so that wasn’t even in our process as coaches to think about that.

Curt Schilling just DM’ed Drake that he can borrow his ‘97 Ford Thunderbird anytime he’s in town.

He didn’t immediately shoot the black guy?

How can you even tell if a sheriff’s deputy is concussed?

Ujiri: Mr. DA do you like Imagine Dragons

probably because it never fucking happened 1312

In New York City there is scant public park space. For example, almost every blade of grass in Central Park is off-limits from October to April. But some public schools allow the public to use their grass/dirt fields, playgrounds, and basketball/handball courts on weekends.

As a DC resident I can confirm that this dude is one of the most evil motherfuckers ever — he double parks everywhere because the DC counil give themselves special tags to pre-empt tickets. What a fucker.

Darnold: Shh! Listen! I can hear the ghosts now too.

It’s racist against white people to suggest that the 30% hit their stocks took in 2008-2009 wasn’t the worst suffering anyone withstood in that period.

Also, Jack Evans once called him to berate him for writing that Nationals Park was being built with public funds; the dumbass argument Evans made repeatedly during his phone tirade was that all the money used to build the stadium, a tab that eventually hit about $1 billion, would come from new taxes implemented

They should have a break dance contest to raise money to save the rec center.