Monster of the Subway

Dalton might be hurt. I saw him come off the field walking gingerly.

Honestly, as long as it went on, I knew the only possible way Kaepernick was going to get signed was if he and he alone would be the difference in a team making the playoffs or not.

Counterpoint: he’s got a really big afro.

I despise the government with a burning passion! So vote for me and I promise to do as terrible a job running it as possible — Most Republicans

The new one is up already.

Just want to say thank you for all your work, especially your incredible investigative pieces year after year. Deadspin is a great place for dick jokes and making fun of Austin Rivers, but for me, no author’s byline here commands as much attention as yours.

Only because the GOP makes absolutely sure that government is crippled by redundant rules and excessive bureaucracy. They don’t want their corporate owners to look bad...

I’m all for it too, but you have to ask how much it’s costing them to do this and whether that’s factored into the projected savings. If it saves $1.3m/yr but costs $25m to do the project in the given timeframe, there won’t be a net savings until we’re into year 19...

King Donald I cares not for your peasant trifles. Begone serfs!

when I worked in baseball it never ceased to amaze me how many people would refer to assholes who worked in the game as “a good baseball man.” I still don’t know what the fuck that means. Obviously neither does JJ.

Questions about character and entitlement are pigment mitigated.

These old, rich white men need to have their heart attacks already. Sadly, I have a feeling JJ will live to be a few thousand years old, his head in one of those Futurama magic jars.

Oh I can wait for more lectures from NFL owners about the player’s character and sense of entitlement.

I know that he made it the old-fashioned way. He worked for it.

They’re only skeletons in the closet if you’re ashamed of them though. Jerruh does not strike me as someone who is overly bothered by either sexual harassment or racism.

I’m sure he has a PODS in his backyard to store the overflow

“At least he made the trains run on time. We need more on-time trains”.

Shitty Trump supporting buffoon has shitty take about other shitty Trump supporting buffoon.

Jerry went on to say that “This coal mine needs more canaries.”

I know that he made it the old-fashioned way.