Monster of the Subway

Billionaire real estate developers are getting the biggest sweetheart deals with the carried interest changes. Now, I wonder who might have had a hand in making sure that happened?

Gotta get those bad humours out somehow.

Leeches have their uses. On the other hand, meet your new Trumpcare(tm)-assigned physician....

Obama did not place such restraints on any scientific body. The Trump Administration has declared war on the scientific method itself.

It is over-reach. Obama blocked words that were potentially offensive, Trump is blocking words that are used to relay facts. It’s a dictator like move.

Its a bit like the Administration and Republicans took a good long listen to Weird Al’s Amish in Paradise and decided everyone should party like its 1699. If you listen to it, its almost a roadmap to what they’re trying to turn this nation into.

I’d rather see them than Russia or China - who would be the more likely to poke at us to see if we were dead yet and help us on the path. I think right now the UK is dealing with a similar issue of poor conservative choices that have eliminated a lot of possibilities. Not quite the low-brow mountain-bar-hopping style

Of all the other batshit insane civilizations throughout history, no-one had any way of knowing any better. Here, in an era of unprecedented technical and social enlightenment these pricks went “Nuh-uh” and backed off in the opposite direction

The CDC must be a safe space for conservatives and their community standards and wishes. It’s about time.

Was just about to mention Orwell, but you were like, “I got this shit.” You have my thanks.

Coming next week – Trump Leeches!

This is double-plus ungood.

You can change the words, hide the truth. But that won’t stop the truth from biting you in the ass.

Oh well, at least car mechanics are one step closer to praying to the Machine Spirit a la 40k.

Jesus. I’m a Lions and by extension a Stafford fan, but good god if I could choose between Stafford and Wilson, even I’d pick Wilson. How is that even in any realm of possibility a choice? He’s actually been to fucking Super Bowls! Anyone who makes a take as stupid as Benoit needs to be fired out of a cannon into the

I hope this team ruins Jeter financially to a degree where he has to panhandle in the street and I can whip a fistful of pennies into his face.

The funniest part is that Alex is much more financially viable as an owner and probably could’ve put together a much better ownership group for his hometown team.

That is odd.

What’s the point of even having a franchise in Miami? At this point, it’d probably be worth more as a place baseball could dangle as a relocation spot for the weak spined municipal governments to worry over, then sign off on the new billion dollar stadium

Is he at least sending a nice gift basket in his absence?