Monster of the Subway

I see people say this over and over, and the only thing I can say is “so?”.

The thing about Flacco that sticks with me the most is that one WYTS letter where the writer angrily mentioned seeing him with brown socks, tan dress shoes and a black suit.

Token conservative here. I am absolutely appalled how the Republican party has sold it’s soul over the past year. Trump was bad, this is downright terrifying. How can the party claim to be the “Moral Majority” when they are backing a candidate who may be a serial child molester? It’s not like he took a couple free

I love how they call Doug Jones a “radical DC liberal”. Jones has went to college for his Bachelor’s and JD in Alabama and has never worked outside the state.

Fuck Roy Moore.

It’s only going to keep getting worse

It’s AFC North football, it’s smashmouth, it’s brutal, it’s old school.

Rhythmic Weightlifting.

I started this season hating the arbitrariness of the college targeting rule. By the end of the college season, having watched enough NFL games, I’m fully on board with the college targeting rule.

The hit on Brown — who caught the damn ball — in the endzone in the fourth quarter was sickening. Dude couldn’t register the celebration dance.

There was a moment when the commentary flat out stated that they did not know what it now took to get ejected from the game which hit on such a truth to me.

Hell being a Thursday Night Football game with the Dolphins vs Ravens

This was the quintessential “we’re all going to burn in hell for liking football” game.

Actually we can still call it a “bribe”. That was probably put in there for the sole purpose of securing McCain’s vote.

Maybe his lawyer dictated it to someone else to tweet it.

On rare occasions something that sounds like sanity comes out of his mouth, yes.

Voting for everything Trump wants and refusing to hold him accountable is “telling it like it is?”

I didn’t realize McCain was supporting articles of impeachment.

The real lulz is that tweet was almost certainly written by one of his over-eager staffers. I can’t imagine McCain paying that close attention to his follower count. I have my issues with him, but he’s never been one to care about that kind of minutiae.

Kinda wish I’d followed this old fuck just so I could mash the button.