Monster of the Subway

The overriding message that if black people would stop complaining and just show some damn gratitude, America will be great again, is like a punch in the goddamn soul.

Turkeys very well known for chasing children yet dumb Obama pardons one every year. Is weak on turkeys, many fowls laughing at us. I will be strong. Butterball stocks up!

Trump should learn some history before he mouths off again. You know what great American also didn’t stand for the National Anthem? FDR.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he passes on turkey pardoning. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he signed death warrants for any still-living turkeys pardoned by Obama. My capability for surprise has waned almost completely.

I am waiting to see his response to the Dallas Cowboys who sat for the second half last night.

Can we just move on from this and get to more pressing matters? Such as, what will Trump do if the family members of the turkey he pardons this week don’t pay him enough respect afterwards?

He has to fire up the racist base. It’s all he has left.

But they’re 5-4. Why would you rest the season on an unproven 5th rounder.

But at least he knows the system.

More like he’ll need Poise because he just wet the bed.

McDermott and Peterman should walk out of the stadium at halftime and start looking for new jobs.

But Lauren, you’re forgetting his POISE! You can’t teach 6'2" and POISE! That boy is POISE-on!

Tyrod should walk out of the stadium at halftime. The Bills can call him during free agency.

None of these people have opinions anyone gives a quarter of a fuck about, but if we put 5 of them on at the same that’s some quality tv!

rarely have i understood an internet comment so completely

As a Jets fan this whole season has been like watching your clean-cut, straight A older brother that you’re always being compared to slide into an ugly heroin addiction. And kind of being ok with it.

Donald Trump has achieved the impossible, which is making me sympathetic to LaVar Ball’s bullshit.

“I made a really, really dumb joke that I’m perfectly fine to repeat now ‘cause I was f—in’ 25. I said, ‘No one would be calling me a racist if they knew how badly I wanted to f— Drake,’” she recalls. Her boyfriend, Jack Antonoff, warned her away from making comments like those: “He said, ‘Don’t say that in

“The vibe was very much like, ‘Do I want to f— it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo,” Dunham continued. “I’m going to go back to my cell phone.’” It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie. I was like, ‘This

Show biz makes my flesh crawl, and I’m glad I have a library card.