
I don’t understand how people can dismiss a movie as being “too long”. Saying that the pacing is slow, or there are scenes that seemed superfluous, would be valid criticism. But what is intrinsically wrong with a lengthy film?

i think we need to move beyond the criticism of “pretentious” — it solves nothing. a dumb viewer needs to be self-aware that it’s their stupidity that holds them back — it’s not the responsibility of every art object to make itself understandable to halfwits.

And yet, not two Star Trek fans can seem to agree on what constitutes good Star Trek, so...

“How do you do, fellow open world survival games?”

Really? The movie looks nothing like the book.

Yup, I’m a lock for this one. Loved the book (thought it was the strongest of the trilogy) and the movie looks like it may well capture what made the book work for me.

Based on the trailer, it sounds like they’re trying to make Natalie Portman’s character more sympathetic. There’s really very few characters to connect with in the novels, despite my enjoyment of them.

All I can think:

He’ll be tried, convicted, pardoned, and back on the Trump team as the campaign manager for the Trump Midterm Election Traveling Circus and Grotesquerie ™.

pls run in 2020

“What do the legend of Zelda and the American Tax Code have in common?”

...that the only way to actually earn Rupees is the violent redistribution of wealth by coming into your homes and smashing your shit?

...that 1% who have the most rupees hide them in pots and tall grass (HEDGE FUNDS GET IT!?) rather than putting

Now playing

It also appeared in games designed for this thing. The Sega R-360. It’s a cross between an arcade cabinet and a gyroscope.

Oh man. Yeah.

Also SWAT Kats. Yes it was a shitty show, yes it wasn’t REALLY an F14. Dont care, i was a child.

PS: I used to love this art for Ace Combat 5:

If I’m honest, the V/YF-19 was always more my jam, but you can’t forget the classics.

Good time to talk about its successful cabinet counterpart.

ooooh dip that looks fun