
Wow. Go home Wikileaks, you’re drunk.

This guy and Putin are playing Trump like a cheap violin.

Can the Equadorian Embassy leak Assange into the hands of Swedes so that he can face rape charges?

I don’t know if she is pregnant or “pregnant.” But I never liked them together. They just seem like two blah people. There’s no pizzazz. I like him and he seems like someone who could be fun and outgoing with the right person. But with her? Nah.

Mentally adding “...but in a good way.” to all horrible news I read this week.

No BC. No abortions even in the case of rape. Fear of white genocide. They want to rape you into having children. It’s Gilead. Is another bleeding-heart lefty going to accuse me of being hyperbolic again? Are we going to continue being ‘nice’ and assuming the best of these misogynists as they strip away our human

They don’t actually care about preventing abortions, the goal is to control women.

I’ve been told that since I’m a minority, it’s my patriotic duty to hate white people.

Pretty sure Melania sold her soul, and her dignity, in the devil’s bargain of marriage to Drumpf.

Kellyanne Conway is a terrible person, but I did think that was a funny line. Especially with all of the womanizers in the Trump administration.

I have the two contradictory opinions that the dude was an asshole and deserved being kicked off, and that Ivanka and her family deserves the harrassment and I hope they spend the rest of their lives being publicly harrassed.

Seriously. This situation called for a well placed crop dusting and nothing more.

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,

People, try not to do stuff like this. Learn to employ loudly-expressed shade in situations like this.

There’s more truth to this than you realize. People where I live were bragging to neighbors several blocks away (we have one next door! she’s amazing!).

Call me crazy, but that sounds like a very odd matching. Taylor Swift and Rooney Mara? I’d sooner think you’d see Tilda Swinton and Angela Landsbury at Mardi Gras

I’ll join your squad, Taylor. Surely you have room for an older transgender woman? I want to play with the cats and eat snickerdoodles. You can cancel all your appearances in North Carolina. Fun!

Conservatives failed to pass a bill in their best financial (and moral) interest in order to keep appealing to a shrinking portion of the electorate who desperately wants the government to stay out of their lives except when it is something they consider morally wrong?

I wondered how she could keep America safe too, because when she was the secretary of state, my mom was killed in an automobile collision. WHERE WERE YOU, KILLARY?!? Hillary is an omnipresent witch, so why did so many Americans die under her watch?!?