
Does that work for international flights? I travel to Europe and Australia frequently and Global Entry has been a lifesaver. Also, once you’re approved for GE, you are automatically eligible to enroll in similar programs in other countries. I also have membership in the UK and Netherlands programs.

his wife

I’m pretty sure he has fetal alcohol syndrome.

Anyone who says stay hydrated has never had severe food poisoning. At its worst, anything at all that goes in is going to come out almost immediately. IV fluids are the only way to effectively hydrate when you’re really sick.

While in France for work, I went to a business dinner, ate oysters, and then spent the entire night lying on the hotel bathroom floor spewing uncontrollably from every orifice, incapable of standing up and utterly convinced I was going to die. I then had to go to a business lunch at 1. Strangely, the thought of eating

little mini queen

hmmm, don’t speak too soon. That’s basically what happened to her grandmother.

Since when did St George become an English noble? He was a Roman soldier who was martyred for refusing to renounce Christianity.

Isn’t the majority of his audience retired? They’re already on a refreshing vacation.

I’m ok with the Trump self fucking being non consensual.

I need a crying cloth.

My mother had that exact mixer/blender combo. Actually, still has it. Those things were made to last.

And kinesthesiolopgy is particularly absurd.

daily or hourly

He would get very jealous if you said the dog was a good boy.

nope. I had my first beef tartare in Germany and it was definitely beef.

i’m sure everyone is going to mention Beef Tartare, which is awesomely delicious. If I were making it, I guess I’d buy top quality meat from a butcher and have them grind it....

I had no idea about the BLM thing—what’s his reasoning for that? I can’t watch the man. His views on Muslims are so basic it makes me wonder about his intellect. Zero nuance.

I stopped watching him after he had Ann Coulter on followed by some nut job doctor from Mexico who “cured” Charlie Sheen’s AIDS. Maher is a bigot.

but at least they’re not doing it online. So score 1 for Melania!