How is this not considered terrorism?
How is this not considered terrorism?
Reporters don’t write headlines. Blame the editor/copyeditor
On a completely unrelated topic, maybe Roger Ailes will buy the Gawker properties with that massive golden handshake he’s getting. It would be interesting to see what he’d do with The Slot and Jezebel.
Also, you know that these asshats would opt for abortion if this every happened to their family. It would be called a tragic miscarriage and they would have a funeral for the fetus, of course.
good movie
And yet he hasn’t been shot. Strange.
at least she’s not a thug like Hillary
I’d love to know who is bankrolling her lawsuit
I bought a tivo when they first came out and my youngest kid was about 7 before she understood what commercials were and that you couldn’t pause live TV (of course you sort of can, but not really).She had no idea there was anything else on tv other than the things in the queue.
bless you for trying, though. You could be like one of those people who paints with their feet, except you write with your boner. I can see a moving PBS documentary.
Rich Cohen is a first class ass for writing this idiotic piece, not to mention clueless. Australia is about as throwback as Berlin. It’s where some of the best art, design, film, publishing, food, etc is coming from these days.
You nailed it. I bought one of these monstrosities online and was going to wear it today because its so fucking hot, but when I looked in the mirror... well, I just couldn’t. It is the fugliest item of clothing I have ever spent good money on.
Meredith McIver screwed it up again.
Now this is a conspiracy I can get behind. The older trump kids (aka the real trump kids), hate their stepmother so deliberately made her look bad, threw her under the bus and are now pressuring dad to divorce her as soon as he loses the election.
meh. Actual Jesus was pretty preachy, too.
He’s rich, though, and went to the right schools. Good enough.
well, actually, my grannie said NOSD (not our sort, dear), but NOCD seems to be the accepted Americanism? Or maybe NOKD? Same basic snobbery. And yes, c is for class.
The Middletons are like characters in a 19th century novel. Mrs Middleton certainly did a fine job marrying off those daughters of hers! Shame about the ne’er-do-well son
Oh, he’s fine. I heard that he’s busy impregnating Jennifer Aniston these days.
My grandmother is mouthing C-O-M-M-O-N / NOCD/ from her grave.