
that’s what I’m hoping.

well the BBC cares about it. They had a scathing and long piece about it on the World Service earlier, including an interview with a Republican speechwriter who described the cribbed sentences as incompetent and/or unbelievably stupid on the part of the campaign.

bumper sticker please

Dear Kara,

Do you have 1200 words of breathless prose about your life and love and memories of the past and how they all add up to... Cap’n Crunch and Milk? Interspersed with artfully arranged and shot pictures of the stages of making and food styling the cereal? With the actual recipe itself right. down. the. bottom. of. the.

Ummm, what are the food miles on those avocados, you monster??!! It’s people like you who are destroying our earth. Shame!!!

I have but one question: God doesn’t like large labia?

genocide, schmenocide.


Sadly, that’s probably the only way we’ll ever get any sensible gun control.

I think it’s all that golden angel hair... it’s just mesmerizing.

This is Tom Cruise-Jumping-on-Oprah’s-couch weird. Maybe the truth is they’re both Scientologists?

maxi pads

Are we absolutely sure this isn’t the douche from Jon and Kate plus 8?

Look, I drank while breastfeeding and never once did either of my kids become “limp” and “wabbly”. Nor did their eyes roll back into their heads requiring a trip to the ER. I suspect that unless you are getting hammered while breastfeeding, this is not an equivalent situation.

This is a fabulous piece and exhibit A why Peter Thiel can go fuck himself.

Really? That’s interesting, I didn’t know that. Well I wish she had taken it because Full Frontal shows what she can do and it’s awesome.

agree, but she should have been made host of TDS when Jon Stewart left.

ugh, just make Samantha Bee the host already. Jesus, how broey and tone deaf can you be!