Vinnie Viola is from New York and this happened in New York.
Vinnie Viola is from New York and this happened in New York.
Nothing builds a loyal fan base like a team whose entire attendance comes from free tickets comped to people on vacation.
When they finally got through all the switchboards necessary to connect to Mark Davis’s phone, he declined to comment.
But in the end, Spanos’ efforts to find a new stadium are now in their 16th year, with no solution in sight.
Why would any opponent ever want to knock out Matt Moore? The game plan is always to keep him in there.
If NFL added the auto-eject that NCAA has, seems like a lot of this would go away. The penalties are so small for these hits.
The National Hockey League. Seriously, Juventus vs. Bologna? Minnesota/Anaheim is on NBCSN, Tampa Bay/Pittsburgh is on NHL Network. Two nationally broadcast games, 4 very good teams. Go fuck yourselves.
I can’t wait to watch him in the playoffs.
The leadership of the University of Minnesota handled this mess terribly. Claeys’ tweet was not good for the obvious reason that sexual assault is nothing to be proud about, but it was also a middle finger to the administration (Kaler and Coyle) for misrepresenting him about the decisions that were made concerning the…
sometimes you ride high sometimes you crash and burn
Like this piece of crap:
Coach whispers “Odell, the cameras are about to leave”
In a poll taken after Bradley’s firing the overwhelming numbering of responses fell into two main categories:
I was extremely puzzled when Khan made the comment “Firing a coach is a dish that is best served cold.”
Oh look - actual, literal context rather than hearsay, supposition and innuendo! What a treat!
To be fair, players like Ian Clark and James Michael McAdoo are a dime a dozen (pun not intended) and there are plenty of guys of that caliber making far less money in other places.
Do the owners make too much money relative to the players? Maybe. Do superstars make too much money compared to minimum salary guys? I…
They beat them in four out of seven games that mattered
The good news is he’ll never get flagged for a coordinated celebration.
No. That’s what the rule about not being able to hit a guy before he catches the ball is for.