
Get the fuck out of here with your “the left”.

This article means well but rests on a (all-too-familiar) false equivalence between Clinton and Trump. Both have large and small flaws as presidential candidates, but they are not equally bad, and “undemocratically” blocking one from office, had she won, is not the same as “undemocratically” blocking the other.

“Is about as undemocratic an electoral process as one could imagine.”...

Really? I think when somebody gets 2 million less votes than another person yet is still the winner is pretty undemocratic.

The fact of the matter is the electoral college isn’t a democracy and was never meant to be one. So I’m not sure what your

Johnson is one of the greatest players in basketball history, and has also never once uttered anything remotely interesting about the sport.

And in an actual game no less.

idk about your Latvian readership, but your (semi)Lithuanian readership be like kalbus kalbą darbus darbą randa -- talkers talk, workers have work to do

Stop posting highlights that don’t count

A report on Golden State that has no impact on the results? When did ESPN buy Deadspin?

I have never read a Billy Haisley piece on the USMNT and not come away with the sense that he has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. At best it’s some regurgitated conventional wisdom, at worst he’s admitting he didn’t even watch the game he’s writing up. It’s absurd.

Has Jezebel dug up any mildly shitty tweets he made from 4 and half years ago?

The Lakers give Nick Young, Timo Mozgov, and Lou Williams minutes. They are not cool and young. They are middle-aged and bogus.

I’ve been a lurker for years and have never commented. I created a burner to post this message, which I’m sure will remain in the grays to never be read. I just needed to get this off my chest.

We get it Lauren, you aren’t into black guys.

This is fucking stupid. Remove it.

Well, I guess this totally obviates anything our future Commander-in-Thief has ever done. Pack up and go home, everyone. A theater guy tweeted something that was mildly crass 4 years ago.

So, I get it. Pretty shitty/creeper thing to say. Probably meant as a joke, even if in poor taste.

I think you should carefully consider why you described black men interested in white women as “preying on” them. Maybe it’s not the tweet that’s the problem here.

Holy fuck, y’all really need to figure out what “noteworthy” means! This post is embarrassingly not.

Oh “New and Improved” Gawker Media here I thought you were doing so well.

Oh look, Jezebel going after an African American man. I’m shocked.