
Is that the site devoted to Pokemon? STAY IN YOUR LANE FELLAS

Look, they don’t like or understand sports, that had never been an impediment to barfing out 1500 word articles.

(quietly crumples up article that posits that she could have beaten Mike Tyson, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Jack Johnson AT THE SAME TIME)

Look at him with all those rings on his fingers. I mean, they’re pacifier rings with hard cherry candy made to look like rubies, but still.

He’s hoping that the tattoo of 12 people in a jury box being incinerated with a flamethrower is the one that gets him acquitted.

PS We almost got to the end of the year but “drew up a play for Lou Williams” is definitely in the running for 2016's Most Perplexing Factoid

Hard to read his post-airball facial expression; I think he was waiting for the person with the magnet stick to rearrange his eyebrows so that he looked either surprised or pissed off.

Did you just run to another largely uninhabited section of the arena and start waving your hands around?

I think this is the season’s entertainment for Cuban, in lieu of making any personnel moves of note apart from taking on some broken-down, inessential Warriors. After all, they made him radically overpay just a few years ago for a guy who isn’t even there anymore (Chandler Parsons).

“Way to be a coach, Icahn” -- Patrick Beverley, after being disappointed by a financial planning seminar.

The demand for matching “XI” hats for the ceremony did it.

Jesus, what’s he going to have to do to please you, forward you some 19th division Kazakh Over-90 soccer league bloopers?

I don’t know whether this was revealed in this or a previous thread, but Bradshaw cited Mike McCarthy as a great coach in counterpoint to Tomlin and said he’d get rid of Aaron Rodgers before he would McCarthy. Apparently he can spell troll if you spot him the r-o-l-l.

Last effective satire was from the Onion in 2000

If you break it up into Jewish Years 5776 and 5777, they’re _both_ horrible

Univision Deportes Memo #1: Team-Colored Scarves Friday. This is not optional.

Shadey shade McShadeburgers! I’m 48!

I still think her quintessential role is as the jilted fiancee in The Blues Brothers, especially in expertly firing an RPG at a phone booth

I agree, he should have apologized, said that he was completely civilly liable in the ongoing lawsuit, and pledged 94% of his future earnings in perpetuity towards the settlement. I mean, that’s what everybody should do while they’re being sued, it saves court time.

He kept shouting “I ain’t no glamour boy... I’M FIERCE”