
For some reason I’m the one throwback who likes physical ownership, so I’m probably going to order the whole shebang on DVD from the Shout Factory.

Now playing

When I was growing up on 3-4 channels’ worth of TV he was the smoothest dude in the wackiest precinct in the NYPD.

It’s no sick and insane warm-up shot, but it’ll suffice for now.

Save it for warm-ups, that’s where the sickness and insanity is needed

(tosses Ogie Oglethorpe ballot in the trash)

Bonus points if his intro music is Toto’s Africa

You have to forgive him, he had exhaled a large BEHHHHHHH right before filming and at 7400 feet it left him a little light-headed and disoriented.

Hey, it’s cricket, all bets are off

Good for CNN President Jeff Zucker for cobbling this lightly-watched shit-format together.

By all means let him continue to be on staff as a special assistant for building young people’s lives then (or defensive coordinator), but that shitty playcalling, disorganization, and clock mismanagement shit has to go.

Hey, I can’t believe the Lions are in first place either.

Take it easy on the Deadspin staff, if it’s not about the Kings, Knicks, or Warriors, they become disinterested, sloppy, and listless

Maybe I should defend Charlie Strong against his penalty-incurring, turnover-prone players. He certainly has all the clock management skills of Andy Reid and in-game flexibility of an inanimate carbon rod, but they could easily be 7-4 going into TCU with his job safe.

I can understand Z-level reality show highlights while the world burns, you need those pathetic Internet Recognition Fun Bucks or whatever Jezebel pays you in, but now you’re bringing kindling to the party.

I think if you take the two QBs he ran out of town (McNair, Young) out of the equation he’s like 40 games under .500

Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here?

Clearly one of the defensive linemen shouted DROP THE FOOTBALL in his best Publix security guard voice

The saddest thing is that senile, undercutting uber-booster Red McCombs was ultimately correct at the time of the hiring: Strong’s a great coordinator and recruiter. As for a game planner/head coach: Well, he’ll always have the Bridgewater years.

“Lucky Miamiams”-- 98% of Deadspin readers

My friend just told me about this a few days ago; who’s replacing the Five-Foot Assassin? Or did they have some banked phat lyrics?